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Some hours later the police-inspector, called to verify a violent death, made this reflection: 'I have seen many women who have committed suicide, but this is the first time I have seen one who has hanged herself. "We speak of suggestion. Here is an instance which is at once natural and credible. I am a little doubtful, in spite of everything, of those which are arranged in the medical schools.

An elderly woman with red arms met us at the door, and, on a whisper from the police-inspector, first shook her head, and then, in answer to a further whisper, nodded at another door, and, a voice calling her from within, hastily disappeared. The inspector opened the door she had indicated and went in, I with him.

When Allerdyke went back into the hotel he found Blindway waiting for him at the door of a ground-floor room in which the chief, Fullaway, a City police-inspector and a detective were already closeted with the landlord and landlady.

The murderers had no doubt hoped, by dragging their victim to a distance, that the police would be put on a wrong scent in their first inquiries. This discovery, at any rate, justified the doubts of the police-inspector. The poor blacks had had no hand in the matter.

She went back into the Cottage and closed the door, resolved not to admit him a second time. But he passed by, going away by the road towards Denby's and the Towers, never even glancing at the Cottage. He was scarcely out of sight when a tax-cart with two men in it came quickly from the village and stopped. "You will excuse me, madam. I am Police-Inspector Thompson, from Grantley Thorpe.

One was a police-inspector, the second appeared to be a plain-clothes officer, while the third was evidently the divisional surgeon. "Friends of yours, Hart?" inquired the latter, regarding us with some disfavour. Thorndyke gave a brief explanation of our presence to which the newcomer rejoined: "Well, sir, your locus standi here is a matter for the inspector.

The great pillars are ornamented in various ways, some with a great spiral groove running from bottom to top; others with two spirals, ascending in different directions, so as to cross over one another; some are fluted or channelled straight up and down; some are wrought with chevrons, like those on the sleeve of a police-inspector.

But she glanced at the vest with the care of a police-inspector and found a second hair twisted around a second button; then she saw a third; and turning pale and trembling somewhat, she exclaimed: "Oh, some woman has left hairs around all your buttons." In surprise, he stammered: "Why you you are mad." She continued to unwind the hairs and cast them upon the floor.

Viner, who was sitting opposite to her, looked at Miss Wickham. "You must know something about his daily life?" he said. "What did he do with himself?" "We told you and the police-inspector pretty nearly all we know, last night," replied Miss Wickham. "As a rule, he used to go out of a morning I think, from his conversation, he used to go down to the City.

But her repetition of it would gain time time for Frederick. She was roused by Dixon's entrance into the room; she had just been letting out Mr. Thornton. He had hardly gone ten steps in the street, before a passing omnibus stopped close by him, and a man got down, and came up to him, touching his hat as he did so. It was the police-inspector. Mr.