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At that very time, in 1829-30, some memoirs were brought out in which the collective force of this association and the names of the leaders were published by a famous member of the police-force.

It would represent the practical arguments for establishing the police-force demanded by Colquhoun, and show the disadvantages of the old constables and watchmen. Bentham, that is, gives an admirable method for settling details of administrative and legislative machinery, and dealing with particular cases when once the main principles of law and order are established.

The country, although boasting a population which is only some fifty millions less than the population of the nineteen countries of Europe, has an army and a police-force so small as to allow one to say that China is virtually disarmed since there are only 900,000 men with weapons in their hands.

But the man who will live for righteousness he must plant and reap, must gather fire-wood and establish a police-force; and to do these things nobly is not easy; to do them sublimely seems hardly possible at all. Twenty centuries ago the Jewish world was a little plain, and God a loving Father. He held you in his arms, he spoke to you in every dream, in every fantasy, in every accident.

Can ye tak long nose, an' short nose, an' snub nose, an' seventeen Deuks o' Wellington out o' my puddins? Will your castor oil, an' your calomel, an' your croton, do that? D'ye ken a medicamentum that'll put brains into workmen ? Non tribus Anti-cyrus! Tons o' hellebore acres o' strait waistcoats a hall police-force o' head-doctors, winna do it.

That is the basis of the 'System.." "The 'System ?" "A semi-criminal police-force, and everything that pays tribute to it; the saloon and the dive, the gambling hell the white-slave market, and the Arson trust." I saw a wild look in her eyes. "Tell me, do you know that all these things are true? Or are you only guessing about them?"

After his dismissal from the police-force, Chelteux founded a bureau of private information. After several inquiries, Mme. Blanche discovered that he lived in the Place Dauphine; and she determined to take advantage of her husband's absence to pay the detective a visit. One morning she donned her simplest dress, and, accompanied by Aunt Medea, repaired to the house of Chelteux.

And foxes and martens and buzzards and polecats and ermines are to be preserved for five years. It will be a fine police-force." "Yes," said the house-mouse, "there are bad times in store for all our family." They sat for a while and idled, each wrapped in her sad reflections.

Gangs of youths, to adopt the police-court term, had developed a habit of parading the streets arm-in-arm, shouting "Good old Pedder!" When these met some person or persons who did not consider Mr Pedder good and old, there was generally what the local police-force described as a "frakkus". It was in one of these frakkuses that Linton had lost a valuable tooth.

And he would gladly have seen Julian by his bedside, to have freely forgiven the lad, and welcomed him home again, and begun once more, in openness and charity, all things fair and new: but Julian was not to be found, though rewards were offered, and placards posted up, and emissaries from the Detective Police-force sought him far and wide.