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It merely requires a complete ignorance of both life and literature. The difficulty that I should fancy the reviewer feels is the difficulty of sustaining any standard. Where there is no style a standard must be impossible. The poor reviewers are apparently reduced to be the reporters of the police-court of literature, the chroniclers of the doings of the habitual criminals of art.

I saw that club descending many times upon my head; I saw myself, bloody and battered and hard-looking, in a police-court; I heard a charge of disorderly conduct, profane language, resisting an officer, and a few other things, read by a clerk; and I saw myself across in Blackwell's Island. Oh, I knew the game. I lost all interest in explanations. I didn't stop to pick up my precious, unread book.

He is more important in one's eyes, and therefore from this point of view the event seems to be of greater magnitude than the mere police-court business that it was. When a man becomes great, the smallest details of his career increase in value and importance.

"How much will the Journal give you for this story of yours?" asked Winthrop. Mr. Schwab smiled mysteriously. "Why?" he asked. "Because," said Winthrop, "I think I could offer you something better." "You mean," said the police-court lawyer cautiously, "you will make it worth my while not to tell the truth about what I saw?" "Exactly," said Winthrop. "That's all! Stop the car," cried Mr. Schwab.

He swore he would do nothing unworthy of the ideal she had unconsciously set up in him. He admitted that it was supremely essential for him to restore the notes to the spot whence he had removed them.... And yet if he did so, and was lost? What then? For one second he saw himself in the dock at the police-court in the town hall. Awful hallucination!

He felt almost deafened, stunned. The "second girl" came in, frightened. "What is it?" asked Eliza Marshall. "August is in the kitchen, with his face all cut and bleeding." Jane left her father. "Let me go out and see what it is." It was another chapter in the Van Horn matter. Roger, having become more familiar with police-court methods, had been pushing things with greater vigor and effect.

He gets half a dozen twenty- thousand-dollar fees every year, and all he has is strictly old- fashioned probate and real-estate practice and a little of this new-fangled railroad business. My great regret is that I didn't stick to regular trade instead of going after easy money. Who's Gottlieb now? Just a police-court lawyer, when he might be arguing before the Supreme Court of the United States!

And who might have got you on to it, if one may ask?" "You know that I was at your people's office yesterday?" said Perkwite. "Saw you there," replied Millwaters. "It was about this business," said the barrister. "Did you see me in the police-court this morning?" "I did listening for all you were worth," answered the clerk. "And I dare say you saw me go with the rest of them to Mr.

If compression is what you want, you have their whole spirit compressed into the golden rule; and yet there expressed with more significance, since the law is there spiritually and not materially stated. And in truth, four out of these ten commands, from the sixth to the ninth, are rather legal than ethical. The police-court is their proper home.

This was increased by the statement that, though he withheld his defence, it would be found to be of a very novel and convincing character. The assertion of the prisoner's lawyer at the police-court, to the effect that the answer to the charge was such that it could not yet be given, but would be available before the Assizes, also caused much speculation.