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And the little blue phial, with the yellow poison-label, gave up his deadly intention to her eyes. She cried out and snatched it, and flung it away from her. It fell soundlessly on the soft carpet, and rolled under a chair. "Owen! You would have ... done that!..." Divine reproach was to her face. He snarled: "It would have been done by now if you had not come back!"

The components of the syrup were all simple and easily procurable with these two exceptions, as were the basic components from which these were made. The mechanical guinea-pig demonstrated that the syrup contained nothing harmful to human tissue. Of course, there were the warnings about heightened psycho-physiological effects.... He stuck a poison-label on the bottle, locked it up, and went home.

Digging a respectable Fourth-Level leatherette case from under the seat, he opened it and took out a pint bottle with a red poison-label, and a towel. Saturating the towel with the contents of the bottle, he rubbed every inch of his torso with it, so as not to miss even the smallest break made in his skin by the septic claws of the nighthound.

Now, if a druggist were to put clear, pure water into a bottle, and put a label marked "Poison" on it, no one would drink the water if he were choking, for fear of being poisoned. And there are boys and girls just like that good, pure, fresh water with the poison-label on it. They are good at heart.

Another poison-label that boys sometimes stick on is swearing. And of course that is always bad-mannered. Another is smoking. Another is bad company. I knew a boy who was really good at heart, but who persisted in going with bad boys, and no business man in town would take him into his business because of that terrible label.