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This, he knew, would draw the poison-bag. The Frenchmen arrived at Louviers none too soon. As well mix fire and ice as Poictevin with Norman or Angevin with Angevin. The princes stalked about with claws out of velvet, the nobles bickered fiercely, and the men-at-arms did after their kind. There was open fighting.

The best way to deal with vipers is to tear out their teeth; and the best way to deal with pseudo-critics is to deprive them of their poison-bag, which is easily done by exposing their ignorance.

It wad hae cleared aff a guid sheave o' yer mither's debts." Alec answered cheerily, although his face flushed, "All in good time, I hope, Mr Bruce. I'm obliged to you for your forbearance, though." He was too solemn-glad to be angry. "It canna laist for ever, ye ken," rejoined Bruce, happy to be able to bite, although his poison-bag was gone. Alec made no reply.

The expression of the creatures was watchful, still, grave, passionless, fate-like, suggesting a cold malignity that seemed to be waiting for its opportunity. Their awful, deep-cut mouths were sternly closed over the long hollow fangs that rested their roots against the swollen poison-bag, where the venom had been boarding up ever since the last stroke had emptied it.

You see that the fang is hollow from the base to the point, from the former the poison is pressed up out of the poison-bag and exudes through the fang point, which, as you see, is in the form of a narrow slit on its concave side." "I don't see how any liquid could get through that," observed Dan. "It does though, and quite sufficient comes through to produce a deadly effect.

Yet, strangely enough, many persons missed the excitement of the possibility of a fatal bite in other regions, where there were nothing but black and green and striped snakes, mean ophidians, having the spite of the nobler serpent without his venom, poor crawling creatures, whom Nature would not trust with a poison-bag.

Instead of attempting to escape with its prize, the rattle-snake, though it could not use its venomous fangs, which would have given it an advantage over its opponent, whose teeth were unprovided with a poison-bag, advanced to the encounter. In an instant the two creatures had flown at each other, forming a writhing mass of apparently inextricable coils.

Yet, strangely enough, many persons missed the excitement of the possibility of a fatal bite in other regions, where there were nothing but black and green and striped snakes, mean ophidians, having the spite of the nobler serpent without his venom, poor crawling creatures, whom Nature would not trust with a poison-bag.

A tiger with his claws cut and his teeth drawn an old, grey-bearded tiger, ghastly and grim, but harmless a cobra with the poison-bag plucked out of his jaw! The venom grows again, child the snake's venom but youth never comes back: Old, and helpless, and harmless! Again Mary tried to move away, but those evil eyes held her as if she were a bird riveted by the gaze of a serpent.

In one sitting the same mother stabs three larvae, one after the other, in front of my eyes. She refuses the fourth, perhaps owing to fatigue or to exhaustion of the poison-bag. Her refusal is only temporary. Next day, she begins again and paralyses two grubs; the day after that, she does the same, but with a zeal that decreases from day to day.