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She knew right well the poison's power; she knew the poison bait, and would have taught him had he lived to know and shun it too. But now at last when she must choose for him a wretched prisoner's life or sudden death, she quenched the mother in her breast and freed him by the one remaining door.

I see the poison's beginning to work in you, March; and if I had time I'd leave the result to time. But I haven't. I've got to know inside of the next week. To come down to business with you, March, I sha'n't start this thing unless I can get you to take hold of it." He seemed to expect some acknowledgment, and March said, "Well, that's very nice of you, Fulkerson." "No, sir; no, sir!

He dwelt on the cleaning of the soup-dish, and pointed out that while the soup stood on the desk Mme Boursier had been here and there near it, never out of arm's reach. In regard to Kostolo, the Greek was a low scallywag, but not culpable. The prosecution, you observe, rested on the poison's being administered in the soup.

That sort of thing often settles a soft-hearted horse for all time." "I don't think it was the race, sir," Dixon replied; "they just pumped the cocaine into him till he was fair blind drunk; he must a' swallowed the bottle. I give him a ball, a bran mash, and Lord knows what all, an' the poison's workin' out of him. He's all breakin' out in lumps; you'd think he'd been stung by bees."

Wolves and foxes soon learn to be afraid of poisoned meat: just what gives them the hint it would be hard to say, as the survivors could not know the poison's deadly effect from experience; their fear of it probably comes from seeing their fellows suffer and die after eating it, or maybe through that mysterious means of communication between animals to which I have referred in a previous article.

She knew right well the poison's power; she knew the poison bait, and would have taught him had he lived to know and shun it too. But now at last when she must choose for him a wretched prisoner's life or sudden death, she quenched the mother in her breast and freed him by the one remaining door.

If she were a shade less perfect and wonderful than she is, she would have been torn to pieces by you critics long ago. You have done your best as it is, only the public won't listen to you. Oh, don't suppose I don't see all that you see. The critical poison's in my veins just as it is in yours, but I hold it in check it shan't master me.

'I tell you what, Puddock there's no use in purtendin' the poison's working that's what's the matter, returned poor O'Flaherty, in what romance writers call 'a hissing whisper.

"I'd be glad to hear the cause of that death," said Dr. Crowell, musingly. "I'm an old, experienced practitioner, and I've never seen anything so mysterious. There's absolutely no trace of any poison, and yet it can be nothing else." "Poison's a mighty sly proposition," observed Shane. "A clever poisoner can put over a big thing."

I see the poison's beginning to work in you, March; and if I had time I'd leave the result to time. But I haven't. I've got to know inside of the next week. To come down to business with you, March, I sha'n't start this thing unless I can get you to take hold of it." He seemed to expect some acknowledgment, and March said, "Well, that's very nice of you, Fulkerson." "No, sir; no, sir!