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Smith and Brown held a conference about the announcement of another meeting as Sam whispered to the head usher: "Could ye des gimme mine now an' lemme go?" "Yours?" "Yassah." "Your share of the collection?" The usher eyed him in scorn. "To be sho," Sam answered confidently. "Yer tuk it up fer de po' black man. I'se black, an' God knows I'se po'." "You're a poor fool!"

Pray be careful, cool, and wary With the merchants of Canary. When you leave them make the most Of the trade winds to the coast. Down it you shall sail as far As the land of Calabar, And from there you'll onward go To Bonny and Fernando Po" and so on for four pages.

At Turin a splendid bridge was built over the Po, in lieu of an old bridge which was falling in ruins. How many things were undertaken and executed in Napoleon s short and eventful reign! To obviate the difficulty of communication between Metz and Mayence a magnificent road was made, as if by magic, across impracticable marshes and vast forests. Mountains were cut through and ravines filled up.

He asserts that Bonaparte, "devoured by anxieties," met him at Roverbella late in the evening of July 30th, and spoke of retiring beyond the River Po. The official correspondence disproves this assertion.

The fish were bought, and Quang was thanked by Jo's mother for helping her boy. Quang went back to his baskets again, but Jo followed. "Quang Po," he said, choking a little, "you very good to me." Quang Po smiled. "Quang," confessed Jo, "I helped the other boys cut the sinkers from your big net, once." Quang nodded. "I helped the other boys cut the line that held up your flounders," faltered Jo.

On the 12th, the bride set out for Mantua, travelling by water up the river Po in a stately bucentaur presented to Isabella by Duke Ercole, adorned with rich carving and gilding.

"All right, Mr Shing po Num, or whatever your name is," said the coxswain in a low voice, "can't stop this time, we're in a hurry." The man kept on gesticulating. "Can't you hear what I say?" continued Jecks in a whisper. "We're in a hurry. Say, sir, that's the chap as belongs to our boat I mean his boat, and he's getting wilder and wilder now to see us carry it off.

Hence, small as is the proportion of suspended matter in the tide-water, the deposit probably amounts to far more in a year than would be let fall upon the same area by the Rhine. This argument, except as to the comparison between river and tide water, applies to the Mississippi, the Po, and most other great rivers.

Now and then the white disc of Lees' lantern, now in Po Lun's hand, gleamed like a guiding will-o-wisp upon the tortuous path. Suddenly Benito felt the presence of new personalities. They seemed to be in a room with other people. Several dark lamps flashed at Po Lun's signal. They revealed a room sumptuously furnished.

There were no inns in the place, only some public houses, where nothing could be got but spirits, and inferior wines. The sailors, however, considered it a very civilized place, because it afforded them the means of getting most agreeably drunk, a feat which they could not accomplish at Fernando Po. Captain.