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The Chancellor, much disconcerted at finding everybody looking at him, could only murmur, in a shy whisper, "Precisely so!" "One great advantage of this plunge-bath," continued the Professor, "is that it requires only half-a-gallon of water " "I don't call it a plunge-bath," His Sub-Excellency remarked, "unless your Active Tourist goes right under!"

They passed into a long stone corridor, lighted at each end by an unglazed window, and, traversing the length of it, entered another room, much larger than the first, stone paved, and having a large plunge-bath full of crystal-clear water, sunk into the floor at one end.

A bright, warm light should be that in the plunge-bath chamber, with perhaps an ornamental lamp over the bath itself; and if the intermediary staircase should there be such a feature be lighted on a lower scale, the effect on entering the frigidarium will be a cheerful one.

The indescribable deluge! But, after all, the worst of anything of that sort is the moment before it begins. A plunge-bath, a tooth-pulling, an amputation, and a dress-party are all worse in anticipation than in the moment of infliction. Julia, as she stood busily sticking a pin in the window-sash, waiting for her mother to begin, wished that the storm might burst, and be done with it. But Mrs.

A shower-bath, or plunge-bath, may not be best for all. Every one can procure a wash-bowl and one or two quarts of water, which are all that is necessary. To prevent the reduction of heat in the system by evaporation, and especially in cold weather, it will usually be found best to bathe the body by sections. It is generally agreed that the morning is the best time for bathing.

Of the "Allies Tea-Rooms" I have already written. Bailleul is famous for one thing alone its baths. Just outside the town is a large and modern asylum that contains a good plunge-bath for the men and gorgeous hot baths for officers. There are none better behind the line. Tuesdays and Fridays were days of undiluted joy.

For effect, the scale of lighting in the bath rooms may be a rather dark laconicum, and a gradually-increased amount of light from thence to the shampooing room. The plunge-bath chamber should be well lighted, but not above the tone of the frigidarium, or the bather will feel to be going from cheerfulness to comparative gloom, which would be unpleasant.

"Anywhere but by me!" growled the Sub-warden. "The little wretch always manages to upset his coffee!" Sylvie and Bruno, with the Lord Chancellor, made up a party of seven. "And you actually got a plunge-bath every morning?" said the Sub-Warden, seemingly in continuation of a conversation with the Professor. "Even at the little roadside-inns?"

Didn't you inspect the copper-plate on which my pattern was deeply engraved? Didn't you perceive an impression of it taken in cobalt colour at a cylindrical press, upon a leaf of thin paper, streaming from a plunge-bath of soap and water? Not to be denied! I had seen all this and more.

"You shall have something in a few minutes, so wash up, and I'll get it for you." "And then we must have a talk," said Seldon, as he went down toward the little stream for a refreshing plunge-bath. "He has had an adventure of some kind, I am sure," muttered Lucas Langley, as he threw a fine steak upon the coals and put some fresh coffee in the pot.