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He begged for various charities. He tried hard to believe that the money that came in was given to the Lord, but he knew perfectly well that it went to the janitor and the plumber and the organist. He watched the offertory after the sermon, and only too often as he stood waiting, before raising it before the altar, he wondered if the people felt that they had received their money's worth.

Piper: A scout must be able to play a march and a reel on the pipes, to dance the sword-dance, and must wear kilt and Highland dress. Plumber: A scout must be able to make wiped and brazed joints, to cut and fix a window pane, repair a burst pipe, mend a ball or faucet tap, and understand the ordinary hot and cold water system of a house.

Addington and Honey are both good workmen that is, they work steadily under instruction. Merrill's only an inspired plumber, of course. Pete and I have been feeling for a long time that we wanted to do something more creative, more esthetic. This is just the thing we needed. I'm glad you thought it out; for I was beginning to grow stale.

"Oh, I am quite well," I said, in an irritable tone that was new to me, and I got up; "I'm going out now." "You're well out of it, my lad," said the plumber. "I knowed a case once where five chaps went down one after the other to save him as had gone first, and they all fell to the bottom and died."

"But say," said Jimmie, "don't you tell nobody. I don't want to get into trouble." "Mum's the word, old man." And the plumber took the dirty scrap of paper and read. "By God!" said he. "That's kind o' funny." "How do you mean?" "Why, that don't sound like them fellers were backing the Kaiser, does it?" And the plumber scratched his head. "Say, that sounds all right to me!" "Me too!" said Jimmie.

The effect caused by the neglect of these is akin to that produced by the choking of the waste-pipes in a house. If they become stopped, you send in haste for a plumber, that he may correct the trouble before it causes illness. If this state of affairs is allowed to continue in the human body, the system takes up the poison which slowly but surely does its work.

"Oh! she's right enough," said the plumber sourly. "It ain't the first time I've been down a well." "But I don't think it's safe," said Mr Solomon. "What do you say?" he continued, turning to Ike. "Looks right enough," said Ike, kneeling down and looking into the well. Then rising, "but I wouldn't go down unless I didn't want to come up no more."

"I suppose it was still frozen," answered her husband. "But when the furnace fire became hotter it melted the ice in the pipe and that let the water spurt out. But the plumber will soon fix it." Hal and Mab watched the plumber, to whom their papa telephoned. He had to take out the broken pipe, and put in a new piece. Afterward Hal looked at the pipe that had been split by the ice.

"Well, you should have done. That man's called `the Familiar. Ask anyone if he isn't? But do you know why?" "No," said Plumber. "It's because he's got a familiar spirit which waits on him," said Henderson mysteriously.

The average sanitary plumber of to-day in England insists upon his position as a mere labourer as though it were some precious thing, he guards himself from improvement as a virtuous woman guards her honour, he works for specifically limited hours and by the hour with specific limitations in the practice of his trade, on the fairly sound assumption that but for that restriction any fool might do plumbing as well as he; whatever he learns he learns from some other plumber during his apprenticeship years after which he devotes himself to doing the minimum of work in the maximum of time until his brief excursion into this mysterious universe is over.