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Herds of horses and cattle and flocks of sheep and goats, intermingled with wild herds of deer and antelope, browsed on the meadows and slopes above the river where they stood. Wild ducks and geese and swan swam in the river, and grouse and wild turkeys and quail and plover roamed the forests and uplands.

Her mate is much fonder of her than she is of him, for if she is wounded he will come to see what is the matter, whereas if he is hurt his base partner flies instantly off and seeks new wedlock, affording a fresh example of the superior fidelity of the male to the female sex. When they have young, they feign lameness, like the plover. I have several times been thus tricked by them.

Clouds began to gather over the moon's face, and every now and then I stumbled heavily on the uneven ground; but he moved along nimbly enough, and even cried "Shoo!" in a sprightly voice when a startled plover flew up before his feet.

To a stranger the names sound uncouth and meaningless, the fact being, that we all go by nicknames . 'Giblets, 'Diamond Digger, 'Mangelwurzel, 'Goggle-eyed Plover, 'Gossein' or holy man, 'Blind Bartimeus, 'Old Boots, 'Polly, 'Bottle-nosed Whale, 'Fin MacCoul, 'Daddy, 'The Exquisite, 'The Mosquito, 'Wee Bob, and 'Napoleon, are only a very few specimens of this strange nomenclature.

"It does not take much to distract them from labor and they have a soul above it, you know." Rance Belmont need not have asked her about the twins; he had met them on their way to the Plover Slough and had given Reginald the loan of his gun; he had learned from them that Fred, too, was away.

Zebra bark, bucks blow or snort or make the weird noises of their respective species; hyenas howl; out of an immense simian silence a group of monkeys suddenly break into chatterings; ostriches utter their deep hollow boom; small things scurry and squeak; a certain weird bird of the curlew or plover sort wails like a lonesome soul.

The king-bird, alert, aggressive, cries out sharply as he launches from the top of a poplar tree upon some buzzing insect, and the plover makes the prairie sad with his wailing call. Vast purple-and-white clouds move like stately ships before the breeze, dark with rain, which they drop momentarily in trailing garments upon the earth, and so pass in majesty amidst a roll of thunder.

NEW JERSEY: Ruffed grouse, teal, canvasback, red-head duck, widgeon, and all species of shore birds, the most noticeable being black-bellied plover, dowitcher, golden plover, killdeer, sickle-bill curlew, upland plover and English snipe; also the mourning dove. Upland plover, apparently killdeer, egret, wood-duck, woodcock, and probably others.

He liked Harley, and he knew that he could trust him. He knew, moreover, that what Harley had written in the note must be true. Grayson did not hesitate, and, nodding slightly to Harley, turned and faced the crowd, like a soldier prepared for his last and desperate charge. His eyes sought those of the little man, his target, looking up at him. Then he fixed Plover with his gaze and began.

"To tell you the truth, mister," said the man, with the easy freedom of the West, "Billy Plover and my cousin he is, twice removed my name's Sandidge is runnin' away." "Running away?" exclaimed Harley, in surprise. "Where's he running to, and what's he running from?" "Where he's runnin' to, I don't know California, or Washington, or Oregon, I guess.