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Sometimes it lieth in pat allusion to a known story, or in seasonable application of a trivial saying, or in forging an apposite tale; sometimes it playeth in words and phrases, taking advantage from the ambiguity of their sense, or the affinity of their sound: sometimes it is wrapped in a dress of humorous expression: sometimes it lurketh under an odd similitude: sometimes it is lodged in a sly question, in a smart answer, in a quirkish reason, in a shrewd intimation, in cunningly diverting or cleverly retorting an objection: sometimes it is couched in a bold scheme of speech, in a tart irony, in a lusty hyperbole, in a startling metaphor, in a plausible reconciling of contradictions, or in acute nonsense: sometimes a scenical representation of persons or things, a counterfeit speech, a mimical look or gesture, passeth for it: sometimes an affected simplicity, sometimes a presumptuous bluntness giveth it being: sometimes it riseth only from a lucky hitting upon what is strange: sometimes from a crafty wresting obvious matter to the purpose.

He playeth hoodman, and peepeth over his bandage. 'My lord, you wrong me much, said Dorothy, and burst into tears, while once more the red lava of the human centre rushed over her neck and brow.

In a moment more he was out of his troubles, in a deep slumber. "Dear heart, he should have been born a king!" muttered Hendon, admiringly; "he playeth the part to a marvel." Then he stretched himself across the door, on the floor, saying contentedly "I have lodged worse for seven years; 'twould be but ill gratitude to Him above to find fault with this." He dropped asleep as the dawn appeared.

And so you may perceive that there be many a one that breaketh this card, "Thou shalt not kill," and playeth therewith oftentime at the blind trump, whereby they be no winners, but great losers. But who be those now-a- days that can clear themselves of these manifest murders used to their children and servants?

He playeth hoodman, and peepeth over his bandage. 'My lord, you wrong me much, said Dorothy, and burst into tears, while once more the red lava of the human centre rushed over her neck and brow.

"So now," quoth Tressady, "since I command here, none denying " "And what o' Captain Jo?" demanded Resolution. "Why, I'll tell ye, bully, look'ee now! A man's a man and a woman's a woman, but from report here's one as playeth t'other and which, turn about. But 'tis as woman I judge her best, and as woman she sails along o' me, lad, along o' me!"

I will take thee, O Yajnaseni, and put thee in some menial work. "Draupadi said, 'Why, O Pratikamin, dost thou say so? What prince is there who playeth staking his wife? The king was certainly intoxicated with dice. Else, could he not find any other object to stake? "The Pratikamin said, 'When he had nothing else to stake, it was then that Ajatasatru, the son of Pandu, staked thee.

"The Queen is playing upon the virginals, and she playeth best when alone; so stand you here by this tapestry, and you shall have pleasure beyond payment," said the Duke's Daughter.

He playeth the judge who, in an external court pronounceth a sentence, which by force of jurisdiction toucheth another; but he judgeth, who in the inferior court of his own private conscience, conceiveth such a sentence of the things to be believed or done, as pertaineth to himself alone.

Our trusty friend, let us shame the devil of hell, and confess the verity. Were you ever a cuckold? I say, you who are here, and not that other you who playeth below in the tennis-court? Trouil. No, if it was not predestinated. Pan.