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It was all right. . . . Have you got down, Yegory? Well, go into the hut; it is all right. . . ." "Holy, holy, holy!" wheezed Emelyan, "it must have struck something . . . . Are you of these parts?" he asked the giants. "No, from Glinovo. We belong to Glinovo. We are working at the Platers'." "Threshing?" "All sorts. Just now we are getting in the wheat. The lightning, the lightning!

This Antigone business has cleared things up a lot, and one can sift out the impossible from the possible. To begin with, the Antinous was in for repairs to her geared turbines, and the Antigone for damage to her forefoot. Engineers were on one job, and platers and riveters on the other. Different trades. So not a workman who was in the Antinous was also in the Antigone.

The best horses in training were entered each year and while a scornful Eastern handicapper would doubtless have rated them all among the cheap selling platers, they were still the kings of the jungle tracks, small toads in a smaller puddle, and their annual struggle was anticipated for weeks.

He whom we are wont to think of as a poor wanderer, with no possessions but his grey cloak and his staff, is warned not to embark for the Holy Land without carrying with him "a lytell cawdron, a fryenge panne, dysshes, platers, cuppes of glasse ... a fether bed, a matrasse, a pylawe, two payre sheets and a quylte" ... a cage for half a dozen of hens or chickens to have with you in the ship, and finally, half a bushel of "myle sede" to feed the chickens.

The next application, nickel and silver platers and buffers, are good contract customers as a rule; one case in our experience showing but an average use of 20 per cent. of the contract horse power hours.

To explain more clearly, it was the practice of most silver platers to use an alloy for silver-plating. In the reduction of the ingot to sheet metal, annealing has to be resorted to, and acid pickles to remove oxides, etc. The number of times the plated metal is exposed to heat and acid in its reduction to the required thickness, produces a surface of pure silver.

There is not a trade union, among all the eighteen or twenty engaged in shipyard work riveters, fitters, platers, joiners, and all the rest of them in which he has not police officers enrolled as skilled tradesmen, members of the unions, working as ordinary hands or as foremen, sometimes even in office as "shop stewards" representing the interest of the unions and acting as their spokesmen in disputes with the employers.

"The nerve of those hoboes is something astonishing," said Colonel Manysnifters, walking up and down, and filling the car with smoke in order to cover up all traces of our visitor. I'll bet a thousand dollars that that fellow had as good a chance at the start as any of us, just threw himself away, whiskey, I suppose, or women, or the platers the combination more likely.

To live with one's hands ever daubed with chalk from a billiard-table, to be always spying into stables and rubbing against grooms, to put up with the narrow lodgings which needy men encounter at race meetings, to be day after day on the rails running after platers and steeple-chasers, to be conscious on all occasions of the expediency of selling your beast when you are hunting, to be counting up little odds at all your spare moments these things do not, I think, make a satisfactory life for a young man.

I knew nothing of you until Herbert announced that he'd made your acquaintance " "Pray go on," said I, watching her troubled eyes. "It would be interesting to hear how he described me." "He used a very funny word. He said you were the rummiest thing in platers he'd struck for a long while. But, of course, he was talking of the other man."