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I ran back to the museum my felt-soled bedroom slippers made no sound and, taking the 'concussor' from the drawer in which I had concealed it, thrust it through the waist-band of my pajamas. Then I crept back to the door. "The sounds had now ceased. I inferred that the burglar for he could be none other had gone to the pantry, where the plate-chest was kept.

He was a clergyman's son, and had been bred up in the old orthodoxy, which was just beginning to put forth fresh shoots, and, as a quasi- godfather, he held himself bound to take an interest in our religious life, while the sponsors, whose names stood in the family Bible, and whose spoons reposed in the plate-chest, never troubled themselves on the matter.

And the silver in the big oak plate-chest that is lined with green baize all went away to the shop to have the dents and scratches taken out of it, and it never came back. We think Father hadn't enough money to pay the silver man for taking out the dents and scratches. The new spoons and forks were yellowy-white, and not so heavy as the old ones, and they never shone after the first day or two.

There was no safe in the house. There was a plate-chest there it was, standing in a recess by the sideboard; she had the key of it. "Open that, at any rate," commanded Gabriel. "It's about as unlikely as anything could be, but well leave nothing undone." There was nothing in the plate-chest but what Gabriel expected to find there. He turned again to the housekeeper.

I do not believe there was a single lock or bolt or bar on any door in the whole of the little wooden house: the large plate-chest stood outside in the verandah, and my dressing-case could have been carried off through the ever-open bedroom window by an enterprising thief of ten years old.

"That's Orkins hover there," said a burly-looking sportsman as I arrived one day at Newmarket Heath "'im a-torkin' to Corlett. See 'im? Nice bernevolent old cove to look at, ain't 'e? Yus. That didn't stop 'is guvin' me five of his wery best, simply becorze by accident I mistook someb'dy else's 'ouse and plate-chest for my own. Sorter mistake which might 'appen a'most to henybody.

And in the Civil War so it went with us down in one county, up in another, beaten to-day, victorious tomorrow now starving in some barren leaguer now revelling in a Presbyterian's pantry his cellars, his plate-chest, his old judicial thumb-ring, his pretty serving-wench, all at command!" "Hush, friend," said Everard; "remember I hold that persuasion."

Under the scullery-window lurked brutus and mephistopheles faces blackened, tools in hand ready to whip out a pane of said window and so penetrate the kitchen, and from the kitchen the pantry, where they made sure of a few spoons, and up the back stairs to the plate-chest. They would be in the house even now but a circumstance delayed them a light was burning on the second floor.

"Do you know him so well, little wife?" said my dear sensible husband; "remember he has only been in our service six months. In the country he had very little of value in his hands, but here, it seems to me, he has too much. All the plate, and indeed everything of value, is in his pantry, and he is a very young boy to trust. One of the women servants should take charge of the plate-chest, I think.

Crane, the valet, says they tossed for them." "Disgraceful!" I ejaculated. "Then as soon as the host and hostess had gone, they simply swept through the rooms and cleared them?" "Yes, sir. They took away all that was most valuable. They'd have had the silver, only Mason had thrown it into the plate-chest, all dirty as it was, locked it up and hid the key. The plate was Mr.