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That is the name of our new home," he added, by way of explanation. "Wha' dat yo' say, sah?" exclaimed Solon, who had been an interested listener. "Yo' callin' dat ar plantashun Moss Back?" "Yes, 'Moss Bank' is the name it has always borne, I believe," replied Mr. Manton. "But why do you ask? Do you know the place?" "Does I know um! Does I know de place I war borned an' brung up in?

I can't remember how big but I know dat it was sho big. Da had lots an lots of slaves but I doan no zackly how many. Da scattered around de plantashun in diffren settlements. De horn blew every mohnin to wake up de fiel hans. Da gone to fiel long time foh I get up. De fiel hans work from dawn till dark, but evabody had good eats on holidays. No work jus eat and have good time."

The next night was a gala one, and a merrier set of negroes never sang at a corn-shucking, nor did a jollier leader than Wash ever tread the pile, while Mercy sat on a throne of shucks receiving Sambo's homage, and, unmolested by fear, coyly held a corncob between her teeth as she hung her head and bashfully consented that he should come next day to "ax Mas' Ned de liberty of de plantashun."

"I neber heard of no 'ligion, baptizing', nor God, nor Heaven, de Bible nor education down on de plantashun, I gues' dey didn't hab nun of 'em. When Marse Ben brung me North to Ohio with him wuz first time I knowed 'bout such things. Marse Ben and Miss Lucy mighty good to me, sent me to school and tole me 'bout God and Heaven and took me to Church.

"Ef you does, you get yosef ober haid en years in hot water," Chunk answered with exasperating sang froid. "You niggahs gwine ter fin' out who's who on dis plantashun 'fo' yo' nex' birthday." Zany's only response was a grimace, and he next carried his exaggerated sense of importance to his granny's cabin.

"Am 84 y'ars ole en wuz bawn in Florence, Alabama, 'bout seben miles fum town. Wuz bawn on de Collier plantashun en Marster en Missis wuz James en Jeanette Collier. Mah daddy en mammy wuz named Nelson en Jane Collier. I wuz named atter one ob mah Missis' daughters. Our family wuz neber sold er divided." "I'se bin ma'ied once. Ma'ied Neeley Greer. Thank de Lawd I aint got no chilluns.

"In de summah de women weah dresses and apruns made ob linen an' men weah pants and shurts ob linen. Linsey-woolsey and jean wuz woven on de place fo' wintah clothes. We had better clothes to weah on Sunday and we weahed shoes on Sunday. The' shoes and hoots wuz made on de plantashun." "My mastah wuz Marse Harley Hunt an' his wife wuz Miss Maria Sanders Hunt.

The boy entered the room, closing the door behind him, and said: "Mass boss, mammy told me to ax you of you war eny kin to de man dat made the baby medicin?" "Who is your mammy?" inquired the now thoroughly interested Colonel. "She's de 'oman dat nusses all de babies on de plantashun." "Tell your mammy that I will see her in the morning." "Yas, sir," he said, and left the room.

Then he stared, stammered, tried to speak, but only choked in the effort, and threw his arms about the neck of the old negro, laughing and sobbing in the same breath. "Doesn't yo' know me, Solom?" he gasped. "Doesn't yo' know yer own br'er Clod? Doesn't yo' 'member de ole plantashun 'way down in Lou'siana, befo' de wah, an' Clod? yo' own br'er Clod?"

Aunt Barbara, I would not give you and your nostrums, such as 'Cider Berry Juice, 'Sweet Flag, 'Taters' 'Sugar Rags' and 'Black Jack' for all the doctors in Christendom." "Missus, I'm glad dat you tink so much ob me. I has always done de bes dat I could. You know dat de chillun on de plantashun was bad, but wid my Black Jack I always made dem have deyself."