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The undertaking imposed is the carrying of the loved one to the top of a hill, and our interest in it is enhanced by the fact that the trial was to be made near Pitres, a few miles from Rouen, where there is a green hill, still known asLa Côte des Deux Amans.” In Rouen there lived a king who had an only daughter, very fair and beautiful, whose hand was sought in marriage of many.

Oelzelt-Newin, op. cit., p. 49. Pitres et Régis, Séméiologie des obsessions et des idées fixes, 1878. Séglas, Leçons cliniques sur les maladies mentales, 1895. Raymond et Janet, Névroses et idées fixes, 1898. Up to this point the imagination has been treated analytically only.

"You are very good." "But the views which you attribute to Professor Pitres, of Bordeaux, have been repudiated by him." "I have his pamphlet of 1890," said Dr. Ripley angrily. "Here is his pamphlet of 1891." She picked it from among a litter of periodicals. "If you have time to glance your eye down this passage " Dr.

He suffered from "ambulatory automatism," the disease investigated by Professor Pitres of Bordeaux, and was a wanderer from his childhood up. Incapable of resisting the lure of vagabondage, he thought it should be possible to perform miracles because it was "God his Father" who thus forced him to wander from place to place.

That is impossible, for simulation and somnambulism are not reciprocally exclusive terms, and Monsieur Pitres has established the fact that a subject who sleeps may still simulate." Messieurs Binet and Fere in their book speak of "the honest Hublier, whom his somnambulist Emelie cheated for four years consecutively." Let us now quote Mr. Hart's investigations. Dr.

In the case, recorded by Pitres and Régis, of a young girl who, having once at the sight of a young man she liked in a theater been overcome by sexual feeling accompanied by a strong desire to urinate, was afterward tormented by a groundless fear of experiencing an irresistible desire to urinate at inconvenient times, we have an example of what may be called a physiological scatalogic symbolism of sex, an emotion which was primarily erotic becoming transferred to the bladder and then remaining persistent.

Among those who have contributed most to this subject may be mentioned Magnan and his pupils, especially Saury and Legrain, Gilles de la Tourette, Letulle, Guinon Noir, Pitres, Cruchet, Grasset, Trousseau, Charcot, Brissaud Meige and Feindel.

David Ferrier, of London, and soon afterwards by a small army of independent workers everywhere, prominent among whom were Franck and Pitres in France, Munck and Goltz in Germany, and Horsley and Schafer in England. The detailed results, naturally enough, were not at first all in harmony. Some observers, as Goltz, even denied the validity of the conclusions in toto.