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"But there's one thing more. I don't want you to misjudge poor Pitman, who is the most harmless being upon earth. I wish you would dine with me to-night, and see the creature on his native heath say at Verrey's?" "I have no engagement, Mr. Finsbury," replied Gideon. "I shall be delighted. But subject to your judgment, can we do nothing for the man in the cart? I have qualms of conscience."

"Perhaps it is," the girl said, laughing, and looking round with just a little curl of her lip; "but you know better, Jack: why should you make such a figure of yourself?" "I dress here like what I am," Jack said simply, "a pitman. At your house I dress as one of your father's guests." "I suppose you please yourself, and that you always do, Mr.

"We never want no soldiers here if the masters would speak with the men; but the sight of a pitman is pison to a gentleman, and if we go up to speak with 'em, they always run away." "It's the butties," said Nixon; "they're wusser nor tommy." "The people will never have their rights," said the stranger, "until they learn their power.

That put me to thinking. "He might have been a friend," I admitted. "Although, as far as I know, he was never at the house but once, and then he saw both of them." "When was that?" "Sunday morning, the day before she disappeared. They were arguing something." She was looking at me attentively. "You know more than you are telling me, Mrs. Pitman," she said.

"It is a ticklish thing, pneumonia is," she said; "and he hasn't got a doctor. Sam Pitman says it isn't anything but a cold, and he won't send for one. I was over there twice to-day, but he don't even want me to nurse him. I've got my things all done up at home and the folks in bed, and I'm going to stay with him all night if I have to have a knock-down-and-drag-out row to do it.

Much of this work was made possible by the activities of the Ways and Means Committee of the State Association, under the chairmanship of Mrs. B. F. Pitman, who, during the many years that she served in that capacity, repeatedly rescued the association from the verge of debt and filled up its treasury.

Holcombe with his note-book, I with my mending, and the boy with one of Lida's hands frankly under his on the red table-cloth. "I want to tell all of you the whole story," he began. "To-morrow I shall go to the district attorney and confess, but I want you all to have it first. I can't sleep again until I get it off my chest. Mrs. Pitman has suffered through me, and Mr.

Mr Pitman had studied in Paris, and he had studied in Rome, supplied with funds by a fond parent who went subsequently bankrupt in consequence of a fall in corsets; and though he was never thought to have the smallest modicum of talent, it was at one time supposed that he had learned his business. Eighteen years of what is called 'tuition' had relieved him of the dangerous knowledge.

Now and then indeed her song was interrupted, as she searched in her memory for some of the odious little receipts by means of which the game is practised or used to be practised in the brave days of old; they say the world, and those ornaments of the world, young ladies, are become more sophisticated now; but Julia had probably studied under Pitman, and she stood firm in the old ways.

The wisest thing to believe is that it is made up mostly of his sayings, taken down by his disciples in the Pitman of the time; and surviving, with accretions and losses perhaps, through the disquiet of the next two centuries, and the burning of the books, and everything.