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I must think of my father, and think of that hypocrite: but the one person whose feelings I was too mean, and base, and silly to consult, was myself. I always abhorred this marriage. I feared it, and loathed it; yet I yielded step by step, for want of a little selfishness; we are slaves without it mean, pitiful, contemptible slaves. O God, in mercy give me selfishness! Ah me, it is too late now.

When she recovered and was able to speak, she said, in pitiful accents, "Gentle seneschal, I pray you bring him where I may speak with him, or my heart will break." "Trust me for that," answered Dinas. Then he and Dame Bragwaine brought Tristram and Kehydius privately to the court, and to a chamber which Isolde had assigned for them.

But Mr Dragwell did not admire such remonstrance; so taking his pipe out of his mouth, he retorted "If your husband does put up a sign, I recommend him to stick you up as the 'Good Woman; that would be without your head Ha, ha, ha!" "He, he, he!" "He, he, he! you pitiful 'natomy," cried Mrs Forster, in a rage, turning to the clerk, as she dared not revenge herself upon the curate.

They believed that it was right to step back and make room for the young," she said, with a pitiful attempt at justification of her exploded virtues. "Oh, mother!" exclaimed Jenny still sweetly, "whoever heard of a man of that generation stepping back to make room for anybody?" "But men are different, darling. One doesn't expect them to give up like women."

Her voice trailed away into a pitiful wail, and she stepped over and leaned against the boulder, sobbing quietly into her hands. "That's why it hurts so," she added. Hollis yielded to a sudden wave of sympathy. He stood close to her, aware of his inability to cope with this strange situation. She looked so small, so out of place, he felt that whatever he did or said would not help matters.

A sullen, muddy, half-drowned Japan. All these houses, men, and beasts, hitherto known to me only in drawings; all these, that I had beheld painted on blue or pink backgrounds of fans or vases, now appeared to me in their hard reality, under a dark sky, with umbrellas and wooden shoes, with tucked-up skirts and pitiful aspect.

In a state of nervous trepidation, pitiful to behold, Elizabeth took the pen. Terrible scratches resulted; blots innumerable; and one fatal deluge of ink, which startled from their seats both mistress and maid, and made Hilary thankful that she had taken off her better gown for a common one, as, with sad thriftiness, the Misses Leaf always did of evenings.

I answered quietly, doggedly, for there was nothing left in me to appeal to: "I am glad we can part kindly. . . . Neither of us may care much for the kindness now, but we will not be sorry hereafter. . . . The quarrels, the mistakes, the right and the wrong of our lives, the misunderstandings they are so strange, so pitiful, so full of pain, and come so soon to nothing."

On street corners and in store lounging-places the men talked, too, and wept though not so openly. And neither the talking nor the weeping grew less when fast on the heels of the news itself, came Nancy's pitiful story that Pollyanna, face to face with what had come to her, was bemoaning most of all the fact that she could not play the game; that she could not now be glad over anything.

'Dear Lord Richard, said Gaston reasonably, 'if you do not know Bertran by this time it is a strange thing and a pitiful thing. For it shows you without any wit. He was appointed, it would seem, to be the thorn in your rosebed of Anjou. What has he done since he was let be made but set you all by the ears? What did he do by the young King but miserably? What by Geoffrey?