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I was just showing you up as a desert-man, et cetery, but if any man had told me you'd drink that poisoned water I'd've said he was crazy with the heat. You're a lovely looking specimen of humanity! What's the matter didn't you like them Epsom salts?" "There was arsenic in that water!" charged Pisen-face fiercely. "I had it analyzed you were trying to kill me!"

His eyebrows were too black, his lips too grim, his jaw too firmly set; and his haggard eyes looked like those of a woman who is about to burst into hysterical tears. It was Pisen-face Lynch, and as Wunpost caught his eye he gave way to a mocking smirk. "Ah, good morning, Mr. Eells," he called out cordially, "good morning, good morning Mr. Lynch!

And he had another hunch that the Indian was employed by Eels and Pisen-face Lynch. For, despite Wilhelmina's statement, there was one man in Blackwater who did not consider him a bag of hot air.

And if, in following after him to rob him of his mine, Pisen-face Lynch should succumb to the heat, that might justly be considered a visitation of Providence to punish him for his misspent life. Or at least so Wunpost reasoned and, remembering the gun under Lynch's knee, he decided to keep well in the lead.

Dusty Rhodes was still there, describing in windy detail Wunpost's encounter with one Pisen-face Lynch, but as she stood before them smiling he sensed the mischief in her eye and interrupted himself with a question. "He's coming," announced Billy, showing the dimples in both cheeks and Dusty Rhodes let his jaw drop.

First the high places, to wear them out and make Pisen-face Lynch get quarrelsome; and then the desolate Valley, with its heat and poison springs, to put the final touch to his revenge. For it was revenge that Wunpost sought, revenge on Pisen-face Lynch, who had driven him from two claims with a gun; and this chase over the hills, which had started so casually, had really been planned for months.

"So there you are!" he burst out accusingly, "you low-down, poisoning whelp! You poisoned that water, you know you did, and I've a danged good mind to kill ye!" "Hop to it!" invited Wunpost, "just git them rubbernecks away. I ain't scared of you or nobody!" He paused, and the rubbernecks betook themselves away, but Pisen-face Lynch did not shoot.

"Not with me!" asserted Wunpost, "I've consulted one of the best lawyers in Nevada and I'm posted on every detail. There's Pisen-face Lynch, that everybody knows is a gun-man in the employ of Judson Eells, and at the first crooked move I'd be justified in killing him and then in killing you and Eells.

"Git out of here!" he yelled, making a kick at Pisen-face Lynch; "git out, or I'll be the death of ye!" But Pisen-face Lynch recoiled like a rattlesnake and stood set with a gun in each hand. "Don't you think it," he rasped, and Wunpost turned away from him with a groan of mortal agony. "What does it say?" he demanded of Campbell. "Can he claim this mine, too?

He rode in across the flat and down the salt-encrusted bank, still sweltering in the smothering heat; and the pounding blood in his brain had brought on a kind of fury a death-anger at Pisen-face Lynch. He dug into the sand and drew out the cans of water, holding his mules away from the spring; and then, from a bucket, he gave each a small drink after taking a large one himself.