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Seems zif the more big men ken circulate the devil's pisen, the better they like it, and that air in my opinion is one reason why we can't get laws tu shet down the making and selling of the infarnel stuff. Why, keep that air kind of men in office, and figuratively speakin, the fust we know, a pair of the president's breeches will be stuffed inter a broken winder of that air White House.

"Just because I stopped there a few days last summer, she thinks she must run here every week; and there's no way of escaping her. Do shut that blind; it lets in so much light. There, would you think I'd been crying?" "Lor, no," returned the stupid servant, "Lor, no; I should sooner think your eyes and face were swelled with pisen." "The Lord help me," exclaimed Mrs.

"Sure I thought not," continued Phil, with a patronising air, "or ye'd niver ask for the bread kid out o' saisin. Now I was in the medical way meself wance ay, ye may laugh, but it's thrue I wos 'prentice to a 'pothecary, an' I've mixed up more midsins than would pisen the whole popilation of owld Ireland barrin' the praists, av coorse.

He reached resolutely for the demijohn and took a hearty drink whereat Virginia sat down with a sigh. "I'll tell you something," went on Charley confidentially. "Do you know why a snake shakes its tail? It's generating electricity to shoot in the pisen, and the longer a rattlesnake rattles " "Oh, now, Charley," she begged, "can't you see I'm in trouble?

"How was I to guess that some one was tryin' to pisen Miss Marvin?" Ben Tyler took the box carefully and replaced the wrapper; then, telling Sam to follow, he went straight to Mr. Denton's office. "Now, Sam, tell Mr. Denton exactly what you have told me," said the detective, after he had stated what had happened. Sam repeated his story without the slightest variation. Mr.

Now, can't nothin be done fur to keep folks out of that air grapery? If the law would only put a door tu it, and shet it tight, I recken there wouldn't be many that would git in thar. Some old topers that hev got a strong hankerin after that pisen fruit, might crawl through the lattices to get it.

"Here he is," said the man, and held up the snake. Mr. Miller says: "Oh, fiddlesticks! That's a blue racer, as harmless as the peck of a chicken." Then he took hold of Mitch and shook him and says: "Here, Mitch, this is all foolishness you're just scart; that snake ain't pisen. He can't hurt you more than a chicken." So Mitch sat right up and looked at his hand which wasn't swelled.

This cold snap will soon be over and I can show you no end of land worth a gold mine any time you are ready. But make it soon. Land's goin' faster here'n you Delaware fellers think, and" in a lower voice "Doc Carey's drivin' over it all the time, and that Jew of a Jacobs ain't in business here on account of no lung trouble, and his hatred of saloons is somethin' pisen."

Once or twice Sneak's horse sprang suddenly forward in pain, being stung on the ham or shoulder by the tails of the racers as they flew past with almost inconceivable rapidity. "Oh! St. Peter! Sneak!" cried Joe, throwing back his head, and lifting up his knees nearly to his chin. "Ha! ha! ha! did one of 'em cut you, Joe? They hurt like fury, but their tails ain't pisen.

"I was a-foot then, and from the style in which they whizzed through the grass, I was afraid too many might git on me at a time and choke me to death. But now I'm ready for 'em; they can't git us if we manage korect." "I won't go!" said Joe. "Dod, they ain't pisen!" said Sneak; "they're nearly all black racers, and they don't bite.