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On the faith of indistinguishable remains, we must no doubt enter a number of other Flies in her game-book. "Bramble-bees and Others": chapters 1 and 3. The species which recurs most frequently in my notes is Syritta pipiens. Without pursuing this tedious list any farther, we plainly perceive the general result.

Once introduced they found conditions there very favorable to their development, plenty of standing water and few natural enemies to prey on them, so they increased very rapidly and gradually spread over all the islands of the group. This was the so-called night mosquito, Culex pipiens.

Over fallen trees, through dense cane-brakes, through clumps of palmettoes and pawpaw thickets, I passed, dashing the branches from my path, and lacerating my skin at every step. Onward, through sluggish rivulets of water, through tough miry mud, through slimy pools, filled with horrid newts, and the spawn of the huge rana pipiens, whose hoarse loud croak at every step sounded ominous in my ear.

The typical species of the genus Culex, to which the mosquito belongs, is Culex pipiens, described by Linnæus, and there are already over thirty North American species of this genus described in various works. I have called it provisionally Chironomus oceanicus, or Ocean gnat. The larvæ of other species have been found by Mr. S. I. Smith living at great depths in our Northern lakes.

Among the Turtles is Emys picta, Chelonura serpentina, and Cistuda clausa. Of the Frogs, we have Rana sylvatica, Rana palustris, and Rana pipiens, nearly two feet long, and loud-voiced in proportion, a Bull-Frog, indeed! Various theories and speculations have been formed as to the origin of the prairies.