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"My brother-in-law would never talk like that." "I should never forgive him if he did," said her husband, piously. He poured himself out another glass of beer and resumed his supper with relish. Conversation turned on the weather, and from that to the price of potatoes. Frantic efforts on the part of the prisoner to join in the conversation and give it a more personal turn were disregarded.

The streets were dotted with these black-clothed men and stiff women, all reduced to a Sunday nullity. I hated it. It reminded me of that which I knew in my boyhood, that stiff, null 'propriety' which used to come over us, like a sort of deliberate and self-inflicted cramp, on Sundays. I hated these elders in black broadcloth, with their neutral faces, going home piously to their Sunday dinners.

Such had been the sole link between North Dormer and literature, a link piously commemorated by the erection of the monument where Charity Royall, every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, sat at her desk under a freckled steel engraving of the deceased author, and wondered if he felt any deader in his grave than she did in his library.

The phrase is eighteenth century, and it may be the feeling itself is of as bygone a fashion. Or does this seem the case because such delicate souls can become known to us only when they and their loves and friendships have ceased to be more than a handful of faded paper, fingered very piously, for heaven's sake?

"I understand thee, father; thou hast shrived a penitent?" "Daughter, I have: and few depart more at peace with God and their fellows!" Donna Florinda murmured a short prayer for the soul of the dead, piously crossing herself as she concluded.

Edward Winslow had been sent to London as agent, and in 1648 he was able to write that their "hopes and endeavours ... had been blasted by the special providence of the Lord who still wrought for us." And Winthrop piously adds: "As for those who went over to procure us trouble, God met with them all. Mr.

You can't change that kind of a man; he is what he is, and you can't make him no different!" "The grace of God can do consid'rable," observed Jane piously. "I ain't sayin' but it can if it sets out, but it has to begin early and stay late on a man like Simpson." "Now, Mirandy, Abner ain't more'n forty!

"I will ask the Almighty's intercession, for I see, O lady, that thou art nervous and unstrung. Compose thyself, I beg of thee. All will be well," and the "healer" crossed himself piously. Truly, the condition of our dear land was in parlous state. A vogue for asceticism had sprung up, just as other vogues have become popular in other European countries.

He is stupid enough not to recognize me, but you are too stupid to tell wise lies, and this memsahib is so afraid of an imaginary place called hell that I must stay and do my own " "I left off believing in hell when I was ten years old," Tess answered. "I hope to God you're right, ma'am!" put in Tom Tripe piously, and both women laughed.

"'The gentlemen wish to know, sir, if you'd like summat to eat, as they're a goin' to have a morsel; we are getting into slack water now. "'Where are we? I replied, in a sepulchral voice. "'Off the Hook, sir; we have had a most splendid run, but I fear we'll catch it soon; there's some dirty weather to the westward. "'God grant it, said I, piously and in a low tone.