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At last they sat down exhausted and Mrs Partridge, who felt as fresh as paint, gave them her opinion on matrimony and the cares of housekeeping. But Pinkey, unable to sit in idleness among this beautiful furniture, got to work with her duster.

Wallie's face was sober as he confided: "If anything went wrong I'd be done for. I'm so near broke that I count my nickels like some old woman with her butter-and-egg money." "I guessed it," said Pinkey, calmly, "from the rabbit fur I see layin' around the dooryard."

"If only I had a congenial neighbour," he sighed, "it would make a great difference." "There's Canby you might call on him," Pinkey suggested, grinning. "Or if you ketch yourself pickin' at the bed-clothes you can saddle up and scamper over and see me. 'Tain't fur forty miles across the mounting. Jest below that notch you can't miss it." Wallie had looked at the notch often since then.

This was the amazing sight that stopped Pinkey in his tracks as effectively as a bullet. Wallie heard his step and asked plaintively but without turning: "What'll I do with him?" "As you are, until I pull his fangs." Pinkey threw the shells from Boise Bill's rifle and removed the cartridges from his six-shooter. Handing the latter back to him he said laconically: "Drift!

Wallie asked, curiously. "Denim," Pinkey explained, "overalls. That makes me think of a song a feller wrote up: "A Texas boy in a Northern clime, With a pair of brown hands and a thin little dime. The southeast side of his overalls out Yip-yip, I'm freezin' to death!" "That's a swell song," Pinkey went on enthusiastically. "I wish I could think of the rest of it."

After breakfast, as they were leading their horses up the weed-grown path to the cabin to saddle them, Pinkey's eye rested on the flowing salt water stream. "Can you beat it!" he commented. "Good for nuthin' but a bathin' pool fer dudes " Wallie stopped in the path and looked at the friend of his bosom. "Pink," he said, solemnly, "why wouldn't this make a dude ranch?" Pinkey stared back at him.

Suddenly, as the dial marked three-quarters, he dropped the handles with a grin of triumph at Pinkey. Stinky, smarting with defeat, instantly took up the challenge. "That's no test of strength," he cried angrily. "Women can stand a lot more than men." "Orl right; choose yer own game, an' I'm after yer," said Chook.

Tucker had been blacking a stove and had not yet removed the traces of his previous occupation, so when Pinkey introduced him his hand was of a colour to make Wallie hesitate for the fraction of a second before taking it. Mr.

Feeling the corners of his mouth tenderly: "I thought at first I'd choke to death before I'd let anybody see me. What I'll do to that cook," his eyes gleaming, "won't stand repeatin'. And if anybody dast say 'teeth' to me " "Whatever made you do it?" Too angry for finesse, Pinkey replied bluntly: "I done it fer you.

Wallie opened the can of pineapple he had been treasuring and Pinkey helped himself freely to the Christmas cake. "They must be about four meals in one of them slices, the way it feels inside of me," the latter commented, nibbling delicately on a ring of pineapple he held in his fingers. "It's fruit-cake, and rich; you're not supposed to eat so much of it," Wallie said, sharply.