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"Texas sighs deep an' sad as he turns ag'in to the pinfeather party; but he sees the force of Black Jack's argyments an' yields without a effort to combat 'em. "'After all, says Texas bitterly to himse'f, 'others has suffered; wherefore, then, should this jaybird gent escape? An' with that, Texas hardens his heart an' gives up any notion of the pinfeather person's rescoo.

Although Abby done threatens him with a gun-play to make him lead her to the altar that time her old paw creases him, an' he begins to wax low-sperited about wedlock, still, the pinfeather party's enamoured of Abby an' wropped up in her.

I knows; for I've seen my Abby shoot. "'Excoose me, pard, says Texas, after surveyin' the pinfeather party plenty sympathetic; 'pardon my seemin' roodness, if I confers with the barkeep aside.

"Four days after that pinfeather person," remarked the Old Cattleman, while refilling his pipe, "four days after that pinfeather person gains Old Man Enright's consent to make use of Wolfville as a pivotal p'int in a elopement, him an' his loved one comes bulgin' into camp.

"'Shore! says this pinfeather party to Texas Thompson, who, outen pity for him, takes the bridegroom over to the Red Light, to be refreshed; 'shore! while thar's no one that egreegious to go claimin' that my Abby's doo to grade as "cornfed," all the same she's one of the most fascinatin' ladies, that is, an' give her a gun, in all the len'th an' breadth of Arizona.

But the Buff Rock, a melody in color, shows that consonance, that consentaneousness, of flesh to feather that makes the plucked fowl to the feathered fowl what high noon is to the faint and far-off dawn a glow of golden legs and golden neck, mellow, melting as butter, and all the more so with every unpicked pinfeather. Can there be any doubt of the existence of hen-perfection?

As they onload themse'fs, the pinfeather person waves his hand to where we-all's gathered to welcome 'em, an' says by way of introduction: "'Gents, yere's Abby; or as this Bible sport will say later in the cer'mony, Abigail Glegg.

Just to show how one of those pinfeather Passions may be shunted onto a Siding and left among the Dog-Fennel, when the Subject of this Sketch was aetat 22, he was picking them out of the Air in the Left Garden at the State University.

"Which Abby now issues forth of the O.K. Restauraw an' j'ines the pinfeather party when he emerges from the Red Light. "'This sky pilot, says Dan Boggs, approachin' the happy couple, 'sends word by me that he's over in the New York store.

On the level! now, goes on Texas to Black Jack as he pulls him off to a corner an' whispers so the pinfeather party don't hear; 'on the level, Jack! ain't it my dooty me who saveys what he's ag'inst to go warn this victim ag'in matrimony in all its horrors? "'Don't you do it! remonstrates Black Jack, an' his voice trembles with the emphasis he feels; 'don't you do it none!