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The point of infection is often trivial a pin-prick, a puncture caused by a splinter of wood, a scratch, or even an imperceptible lesion of the skin.

But can't help it. Night travellin' ain't suited to our boat. Suthin' like a bladder football: one pin-prick 'd cowallapse it. Wal, so we'll settle. Lucky we wanted our blankets to set on. 'Pears to me this rock's a leetle harder'n a common deck plank. Unroll the boat, Capm? Wal, guess we'd better. Needs dryin'a speck. Too much soakin' an't good for canvas.

The reviewing of these manifold bounties of Providence had produced a sedative effect; but now he grew restless once more. He felt that twinge of doubt, the pin-prick of illogical fear which during the last eighteen hours had again and again pierced his armor of self-confidence. Suppose things went against him!

The discomfort is insignificant no more than that of a sharp pin-prick. Blood is drawn in the same way for other kinds of blood tests, so that a needle-prick in the arm is not necessarily for a Wassermann test. There is no cutting and no scar remains. The amount of blood drawn is small and does not weaken one in the least.

A pretty libel, indeed! The Parnass's complacency collapsed like an air-ball at a pin-prick. 'Oh, nonsense, everybody knows he couldn't mean you. 'I don't know so much. There are always people ready to think one has just been discovered keeping a back-door open or something. I shouldn't be at all surprised to get a letter from my father-in-law in London you know how pious old Cohn is!

A bubble of a name blown big with your own breath, so carefully guarded night and day, yet ready to burst at any pin-prick from outside. My wife and so, forsooth, my very own! If she says: "No, I am myself" am I to reply: "How can that be? Are you not mine?" "My wife" Does that amount to an argument, much less the truth? Can one imprison a whole personality within that name? My wife!

"Come to the Common house, so as not to fright my wife within there, and do them up with some of your wonderful balsam." "And were it not for thought of your work, you would not have let me see them," said Fuller glancing from under his penthouse brows with a look of cynical admiration. "One cannot give thought to every pin-prick with such deadly sickness on all sides," replied Brewster simply.

But by hard-headed persons I mean those beyond the ordinary, those so far gone that a pin-prick through the skull would yield not so much as a drop of ooze; persons whose brain convolutions did they appear in fright at the aperture on the insertion of the pin like a head at a window when there is a fire on the street would betray themselves as but a kind of cordage.

There was a pin-prick of silence and then the strange voice said quickly: "Thank you," as if it wanted to get everything, even civilities, quickly over. Lydia sat still in the dining-room. The candles had guttered and gone down, but she didn't feel it possible to move out of her lethargy. She was not only sleepy but very tired.

He glanced at her indulgently: his self-confidence was too impenetrable to feel the pin-prick of such a doubt. "Immensely sure," he said with a smile. "And you don't mind taking so much money from her in advance?" He stared. "Why should I? She'll get it back with interest!" He laughed and drew at his pipe. "It will be an uncommonly interesting experience.