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"I've never seen you in Weymouth-street before! How comes it you never called, if it was only to see our new house? I'm sure I should always be very happy to have you here when we've nobody with us; and I'm quite sorry as I can't ask you to stay and take a bit of mutton with us to-day, because I'm engaged to dine in Bond-street, with Mrs. Pimlico's cousin, pretty Mrs.

Each believed, and indeed pretty plainly asserted, that they could live more handsomely asunder: but, alas! they were united for better and for worse. Mrs. Ludgate's illness terminated in another eruption on her face. She was extremely mortified by the loss of her beauty, especially as Mrs. Pimlico frequently contrasted her face with that of Mrs. Pimlico's acquaintance.

"Why it is disagreeable, certainly, to be in debt, because of being dunned continually; but the reason I'm so anxious about the balcony, is that Mrs. Pimlico has one, and that's the only thing in which her house is better than mine. Look just over the way: do you see Mrs. Pimlico's beautiful balcony?" Mrs.

"Your mother used to be kind to me, when I was a child; and I am sure I ought not to forget it," said Lucy, the tears starting into her eyes: "and you were once kind to me; I do not forget that," continued Lucy, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "But do not let me detain you; you are in a hurry to dress to go to Mrs. Pimlico's." "No pray I am not in a hurry now," said Mrs.