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"I will bear testimony to your vigilance and courage," returned Pillichody; "but you had better go and alarm your master, I will wait here." "Instantly I-instantly!" cried Blaize, rushing upstairs. On the way to Mr. Bloundel's chamber, he met Patience, and told her what he had heard.

"I don't know," replied Pillichody; "but I feel extremely unwell." "He looks to me as if he had got the plague," observed Patience, to Blaize. "The plague!" exclaimed the latter, letting fall the glass, which shivered to pieces on the stone floor. "And I have touched him. Where is the vinegar-bottle?

"As inconsolable as I am for the rich widow of Watling-street, who died a fortnight ago of the plague, and left her wealth to her footman," replied Pillichody, drawing forth his handkerchief and applying it to his eyes "oh! oh!" "Silence, fool!" cried Rochester: "I am in no mood for buffoonery. If you shed tears for any one, it should be for your master."

Amongst others, Blaize lent a helping-hand in this devastation of the poultry-yard, and he had just returned to the kitchen, and commenced plucking one of the geese, when he was aroused by a slap on the shoulder, and looking up, beheld Pillichody. "What ho! my little Blaize, my physic-taking porter," cried the bully; "how wags the world with you? And how is my pretty Patience?

"Then nothing is to be done to-night?" said Pillichody, secretly congratulating himself on his escape. "By my sword! I feel equal to the most desperate attempt." "Your courage and dexterity must be reserved for some more favourable occasion," replied Rochester. "If not to carry off the girl, I must again inquire why your lordship has come hither?" demanded Etherege.

Committing Amabel to her care, the earl then alighted, and followed them into the house. The Plough, for so the inn was denominated, was thrown into the utmost confusion by the arrival of the earl and his suite. All the ordinary frequenters of the inn were ejected, while the best parlour was instantly prepared for the accommodation of his lordship and Pillichody.

"I have some scruples," hesitated Blaize. "Scruples! pshaw!" cried Pillichody. "You can have no hesitation in benefiting yourself.

One blow from his cudgel stretched the knight on the sod, and liberated Nizza Macascree, who instantly flew to her preserver. Finding how matters stood, and that he was likely to be well backed, Blaize plucked up his courage, and grappled with Pillichody. In the struggle they both tumbled to the ground. The keeper rushed towards them, and seizing Pillichody, began to belabour him soundly.

Stephen instantly seized him, and the man, drawing a sword, tried to free himself from his captor. In the struggle, he dropped a pistol, which Blaize snatching up, discharged with fatal effect against the wretch, who, on examination, proved to be Pillichody. Efforts were made to check the fire, but in vain. The villain had accomplished his diabolical purpose too well.

"You!" cried Patience, contemptuously; "I would not have you for the world. Where is he buried?" "In the plague-pit," replied Pillichody. "I attended him during his illness. It was his second attack of the disorder. He spoke of you." "Did he? dear little fellow!" she exclaimed. "Oh, what did he say?" "'Tell her, he cried," rejoined Pillichody, "'that my last thoughts were of her."