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Or no, I won't say that because most of the time I was dog-poor and this isn't the place for a poor man. But I always said to myself that if ever I pulled it off if I ever found my self a rich man THEN I'd come piking across the Atlantic as fast as triple-expansion engines would carry me." The young man smiled again, with a whimsical gleam in his eye.

He grinned slightly again, recalling a phrase of his Western past. "I'm afraid I'm down and out." "No, you're not," with cheerful scorn. "You're not dead, are you? S'long as a man's not been dead a month, there's always a chance that there's luck round the corner. How did you happen here? Are you piking it?" Momentarily Mount Dunstan was baffled. G. Selden, recognising the fact, enlightened him.

"Still piking, eh?" he chuckled; "you wouldn't trail along after Your Uncle Bunch and get next to the candy man, would you? Only $400 to the good to-day. Am I the picker from Picklesburg, son of the old man Pickwick? well, I guess yes!" Then in that desperate moment I broke down and confessed all to Bunch.

Anyway, that's how it come we were piking through West Forty-fifth Street with the first of the theater crowds, Ernie still protestin' that he really didn't care for this sort of thing cabaret stunts and all that and me kiddin' him along as usual, sayin' I'll bet the head waiter would call him by his first name, when the net is cast sudden over Ernie's head.

But the school of experience is always open for the reception of new-comers and we were admitted to full duty without question. The topography was nearly as broken, in its way, as the natural "piking" spread over it, and very beautiful with the dense forests lighted by the slanting yellow rays of the afternoon sun.

And a full hour before daylight he called her to breakfast. "This time last spring," Bill said to her, "I was piking away north of those mountains, bound for the head of the Naas to prospect for gold." They were camped in a notch on the tiptop of a long divide, a thousand feet above the general level.

They were never so careful for me," he added grimly, "when they were for piking me in the bog!" "The young lady had naught to do with that," Colonel John replied. "D n me if I know!" "Nonsense, man!" the Colonel said sharply. "I'll not hear such words." "But why separate us, your honour?" Bale pleaded. "Not for good, I swear. No, not for good!" "For your greater safety, I hope."

Does he hunt deer for sport?" "Hardly. Oh, well, I suppose it's sport for Jack, in a way. He's always piking around in the woods with a gun or a fishing rod," Benton returned. "But we kill 'em to eat mostly. It's good meat and cheap. I get one myself now and then. However, you want to keep that under your hat about us fellows hunting or we'll have game wardens nosing around here."

I was saying to Safety First on the way home that a fellow gets more fun stealing up on an animal and piking him with a camera than he does poking around with an old air gun that he saw advertised in Boy's Life. That's what! I'm talking to you straight. "Now here's a silver cup and it looks pretty swell all engraved with our patrol names and we drove way to Bridgeboro to get it.

I had sold him a few little jags by lugging stuff in and was getting tired of this sort of business. I wanted either to get a decent order or quit him cold. It is all very good, you know, to send in one or two little jags from a new man, but the house kicks and thinks you are n. g. if you keep on piking with the same man.