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And the fox ran, too, only he had stepped on a piece of glass and cut his foot and couldn't run very fast. He was the same fox who lighted the firecracker in Dr. Pigg's house, and I'm glad to say that he didn't catch Buddy or Brighteyes, for they ran faster than the fox did.

He went gently, too, so that Buddy would not fall off, and, my goodness sakes alive! in a short time the little guinea pig boy was at Dr. Possum's house. He knocked on the door, rat-a-tat-tat, and, luckily, the doctor was at home. He got right out of bed, took his satchel of medicines and was just going to get into his automobile to go to Dr. Pigg's house, when he found that his auto was broken.

And the fox had a bag over his shoulder, and he was sneaking along, looking around to be sure no policeman dogs saw him. Well, sir, as true as I'm telling you, if that fox didn't come softly up to Dr. Pigg's house, right to the front door, as Buddy could see by leaning out of his window, which was open, and looking down, as his window was right over the front door.

He was a most active and occasionally a successful prospector. It was he, I fancy, who years afterwards discovered the Pigg's Peak Mine in Swaziland. Charlie's weakness was drink. He and I ate the mealie-meal porridge of poverty among the Blyde River terraces for a couple of months. During this time we never earned enough to pay for the salt which seasoned our insipid repasts.

And so intent was he on this occupation, that he never even noticed the approach of Cap'n Pigg's boat until it was almost alongside. The Skipper clambered aboard, looking black as thunder. This new outrage was not to be borne. Just as his foot touched the deck the instrument gave forth its unholy cachinnation of "Ha! Ha! Ha!" in the high nasal tones peculiar to its kind.

Faster and faster went Gup through the dark woods his hoofs going "tat-a-tat-too," and he didn't bump into a tree or a bush, and he did not jar off Buddy or Dr. Possum, and pretty soon there they were safe at Dr. Pigg's house, and Dr. Possum gave Buddy's papa some medicine that soon made him better. Then Gup, the kind horsie, took Dr.

Pigg's house, and Buddy went to sleep. Well, when Buddy told his papa and mamma and Brighteyes the next morning what he had done, maybe they weren't proud of him. Yes, indeed! I wish I could say that the fox was arrested, but he wasn't, and made lots more trouble later. But he never broke into Dr. Pigg's house and I'm glad of it.

Now the following story will be about Buddy on horseback that is, providing no cats get into our coalbin to scratch the furnace and make it go out. One night Buddy Pigg's mamma came into his room, where he was sleeping soundly and dreaming he was playing a ball game with Bully and Bawly, the frogs, and Mrs. Pigg gently shook her little boy by the shoulder. "Wake up, Buddy!" she called. "Wake up!"

Then Brighteyes hurried home. Now the next story is going to be about Buddy Pigg's great run that is, if we have peaches and cream for supper and the rag man doesn't take my rubber boots for his goat to wear to the party. Well, I didn't have peaches and cream for supper last night, but I had strawberry shortcake, which is almost as good, so I can tell you a story, anyhow.