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He joined in the laughter which followed. In the doorway he cut a pigeon-wing in which his thin, bowed legs looked comically humorous. Jud Carpenter was a power in the mill, standing as he did so near to the management.

Remember, Mashr, min' dis, now, de sinfulness ob sin Is 'pendin' 'pon de sperrit what we goes an' does it in; An' in a righchis frame ob min' we's gwine to dance an' sing, A-feelin' like King David, when he cut de pigeon-wing.

"You just let them alone," she repeated. "I've already made up my mind to that." "Well, then!" she said, with an air of satisfaction, but why I don't know. I went back to the poplar grove. The Declaration was over and the crowd was gone, but there was the Hon. Samuel Budd, mopping his brow with one hand, slapping his thigh with the other, and all but executing a pigeon-wing on the turf.

The principle of their motion is that by which a vessel beats to windward; the miller spreads or reefs his sails, like a sailor, reducing them in a high wind to a mere "pigeon-wing" as it is called, two or three feet in length, or in some cases even scudding under bare poles.

He cut a most surprising figure, both hands flapping in the air and his slim body bent and twisted at a curious angle. With a resounding slap of the sole of his shoe on the floor he brought the dance to an end and fell panting into his chair. "You're some dancer, Sam," cried the eager Annie. "Ain't he, Parker?" "What do you call that figure?" demanded Parker. "A pigeon-wing?"

And if you could have seen Cousin Redfield dance, with his arms akimbo, and his head thrown back, and watch him cut the pigeon-wing, you would have understood why he wanted to do it.

Somebody was reproaching somebody else with being "spooney on the little girl." "He! he!" the reply began with that hateful giggle "I know my business, gentlemen. Not such a fool as you think." Here there was a shuffling of feet, and Charlton's imagination easily supplied the image of Smith Westcott cutting a "pigeon-wing." "Don't I know the ways of this wicked world?

His handsome suit of clothes, donned at Hagerstown, was now in tatters, which made his appearance the more ludicrous as he "cut the pigeon-wing" around the seething cauldron.

I do not mean that he was pirouetting or cutting a pigeon-wing, either of which would have been entirely too undignified for the father of a family. I simply affirm that while they were chatting pleasantly together Raff suddenly sprang from his seat, snapped his fingers, and performed two or three flourishes very much like the climax of a highland fling.

The masts of some small vessels were also visible over the point. "There is a snug harbor," exclaimed Captain Moncrieff, "defended by a fort and in possession of the Patriots. We will run in under the guns of our friends and come to anchor. Hurrah, we are all right at last!" And he cut a pigeon-wing with a dexterity of which I had hardly believed him capable.