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His Sentiments and Actions are every Way suitable to an Hero. Ere thus I will out-braved be, One of us two shall dye; I know thee well, an Earl thou art, Lord Piercy, so am I. But trust me, Piercy, Pity it were, And great Offence, to kill Any of these our harmless Men, For they have done no Ill.

In the meantime Captain Piercy had been closely engaged with the Pallas and Vengeance, but perceiving another frigate bearing down on him, he also was compelled to surrender. The next day the Bon Homme Richard sank, and Paul Jones and the French frigate carried their prizes into the Texel. The two English captains had done their duty, and saved their convoy, which all escaped.

Oddly enough, my success was generally in proportion to the difference between the conception and accomplishment. I provided two or more commencements and catastrophes to many of the tales, a happy expedient, suggested by the double sets of sleeves and trimmings which diversified the suits in Sir Piercy Shafton's wardrobe.

This News was brought to Edinburgh, Where Scotland's King did reign, That brave Earl Douglas suddenly Was with an Arrow slain. O heavy News, King James did say, Scotland can Witness be, I have not any Captain more Of such Account as he. Like Tydings to King Henry came Within as short a Space, That Piercy of Northumberland Was slain in Chevy-Chase.

"It is the most extraordinary thing I have ever known. Can you account for it, Stent?" The butler shook his head. "No, sir. Unless someone is in there now." Morriston again shouted, but no answer came. "I presume there is no way out of the room but this door," Piercy asked. "None," Morriston answered; "except the window, and that is, I should say, quite eighty feet from the ground; eh, Mr.

Some principal officers, Piercy, Jermyn, O'Neale, Goring, Wilmot, Pollard, Ashburnham, partly attached to the court, partly disgusted with the parliament, had formed a plan of engaging into the king's service the English army, whom they observed to be displeased at some marks of preference given by the commons to the Scots.

She had turned and now led the way to the drawing-room. As they entered they were received by expectant looks. "Well, is the mystery solved?" young Tredworth inquired. Kelson gave him a silencing look. "You'll hear all about it in good time," he replied between lightness and gravity. Piercy rose to take his leave. "Oh, you must not go yet," Miss Morriston protested. "They are just bringing tea."

Gifford?" "A sheer drop of quite that distance," he answered. "A prohibitive mode of exit," Piercy observed with a smile. "Yes," Morriston said. "I can't understand it at all. Besides, who would be likely to want to play tricks here? We have had no sign of burglars, and in any case they would hardly have been able to bring a ladder long enough to reach up to that window.

Anon come out from the Caball my Lord Hollis and Mr. H. Coventry, who, it is conceived, have received their instructions from the King this day; they being to begin their journey towards their treaty at Bredagh speedily, their passes being come. Here I saw the Lady Northumberland and her daughter-in-law, my Lord Treasurer's daughter, my Lady Piercy, a beautiful lady indeed.

P.M., Gentle breezes Easterly, and Clear weather. At the very point of the Cape is a high round Hillock, and North-East by North, near one Mile from this is a small high Island or Rock with a hole pierced thro' it like the Arch of a Bridge, and this was one reason why I gave the Cape the above name, because Piercy seem'd very proper for that of the Island.