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Other fragments of deep interest are preserved by Augustine. One, showing the conception of the state religion as a purely human institution, explains why human antiquities are placed before divine, "Sicut prior est pictor quam tabula picta, prior faber quam aedificium; ita priores sunt civitates, quam ea quae a civitatibus instituta sunt."

We have already noticed the itineraries of the Roman empire: of these there were two kinds, the annotota and the picta; the first containing merely the names of places; the other, besides the names, the extent of the different provinces, the number of their inhabitants, the names of the mountains, rivers, seas, &c.; of the first kind, the itinerary of Antoninus is the most celebrated: to it we have already alluded: to the second kind belong the Peutingarian tables, which are supposed to have been drawn up in the reign of Theodosius, about the beginning of the fifth century, though according to other conjectures, they were constructed at different periods.

Portax picta, dorsal crest and throat-tuft of; sexual differences of colour in. Portunus puber, pugnacity of. Potamochoerus pencillatus, tusks and facial knobs of the. Pouchet, G., the relation of instinct to intelligence; on the instincts of ants; on the caves of Abou-Simbel; on the immunity of negroes from yellow fever; change of colour in fishes.

Kerivoula picta, Pallas. But of all the bats, the most conspicuous from its size and numbers, and the most interesting from its habits, is the rousette of Ceylon ; the "flying fox," as it is called by Europeans, from the similarity to that animal in its head and ears, its bright eyes, and intelligent little face.

Ottawa Acad. Nat. One of the above-named antelopes, the Portax picta, has a large well-defined brush of black hair on the throat, and this is much larger in the male than in the female. In the Ammotragus tragelaphus of North Africa, a member of the sheep-family, the fore-legs are almost concealed by an extraordinary growth of hair, which depends from the neck and upper halves of the legs; but Mr.

Maynard, C.J., on the sexes of Chrysemys picta. Meckel, on correlated variation of the muscles of the arm and leg. Medicines, effect produced by, the same in man and in monkeys. Medusae, bright colours of some. Megalithic structures, prevalence of. Megapicus validus, sexual difference of colour in. Megasoma, large size of males of. Meigs, Dr.

He picks up a terrapin, the Emys picta, which attempts to hide itself from him in a stone wall, and carries it considerately to a pond of water; but there is not much to be found in the woods, and one can travel a whole day in the forest primeval without coming across anything better than a few squirrels and small birds.

Like his father he was attired in the toga picta and tunica palmata, the gold-embroidered over-robe and the tunic laced with silver leaves, while in his right hand he held a laurel bough, and in his left a sceptre. He also was attended by a slave who whispered in his ear the message of mortality.