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"Then you don't believe in necromancy that they can tell the past and the future by the aid of astrology?" "Pickles!" It would have astonished Messieurs Crosse and Blackwell themselves, could they have heard what a deal that one word could convey when uttered by an Isaac Mole. "Well, sir," said Harry Girdwood, seriously, "the wizard told us some very remarkable things indeed."

During dinner he invariably paid her certain indirect compliments; the fish had an excellent flavor; the seasoning of a sauce was delicious; Mademoiselle Gamard's capacities and virtues as mistress of a household were great. He was sure of flattering the old maid's vanity by praising the skill with which she made or prepared her preserves and pickles and pates and other gastronomical inventions.

They had bags, boxes, and bales of crackers, preserved meats, vegetables, and pickles; jellies and sweet-cake; concentrated coffee, and a small apparatus for the manufacture of ice-cream.

"This is something like," he said, luxuriously. "Wot a 'evinly clear drop for a bullet acrost! How much d'you make it, Mulvaney?" "Seven hunder. Maybe a trifle less, bekaze the air's so thin." Wop! Wop! Wop! went a volley of musketry on the rear face of the north hill. "Curse them Mixed Pickles firin' at nothin'! They'll scare arf the country."

He probably has lots of hams in the smoke house and plenty of eggs in the hen house and milk in the dairy and preserves and pickles in the pantry, and if there isn't enough bread the cook can make up some hot biscuits or corn bread." "I know it couldn't embarrass you, Molly, dear. You'd be sure to find plenty of food for company," laughed Nance.

Norwegian sauce is preferred by many to Tartare for some purposes, and is made by adding freshly grated horseradish to mayonnaise in the proportion of two tablespoonfuls to half a pint. Tartare sauce is mayonnaise with the addition of mustard, chives, pickles, and tarragon, chopped.

An' so to-day I said to myself I'd go to work an' get up the dinner an' trust there'd be eaters for it." "Why, Calliope," I said, "Calliope!" "I ain't got much to do with, myself," she added apologetically; "the most I've got in my sullar, I guess, is a gallon jar o' watermelon pickles. I could give that.

Each girl was to take a basket containing her own sandwiches, a paper plate, a knife, fork and spoon and cup; and then one more thing to eat and enough of that one thing for everybody. There was to be cake, and cheese and pickles and fruit and eggs and many good things. "And will Mary Jane take a basket?" asked Alice. "Indeed she will," replied Mrs.

He was a tall thin young man, with a hooked nose and a pasty face; he had a long head, unevenly shaped as though the skull had been pushed in here and there oddly, and on his forehead and neck were large acne spots red and inflamed. His name was Harris. Philip discovered that on some days there were large soup-plates down the table full of mixed pickles. They were very popular.

They learned some of Bryan's French songs from him, which their mother, a poor soul who understood pickles and custards much better than French, used fondly to encourage them in singing; but which their father one day hearing, he sent Miss Sarah to her bedroom and bread and water for a week, and solemnly horsed Master Jacob in the presence of all his brothers and sisters, and of Bryan, to whom he hoped that flogging would act as a warning.