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I will hold them who have boils, sitting firmly on their bellies so or between their shoulders thus when the boils are behind! Nay, I will drink no draughts! I am a man, not a cess-pool!" "And I will study how to heat hot irons!" said Darya Khan, with grim conviction. "It is likely that, having worked for a blacksmith once, I may learn quickly! Phaughghgh! I have tasted physic!

Up, and by coach to Sir W. Coventry, and there, he taking physic, I with him all the morning, full of very good discourse of the Navy and publick matters, to my great content, wherein I find him doubtful that all will be bad, and, for his part, he tells me he takes no more care for any thing more than in the Treasury; and that, that being done, he goes to cards and other delights, as plays, and in summertime to bowles.

'It may sound to you unfeeling: but if Heaven persists in sending me soldiers I had rather physic than feed them: and with that he stood aside as inviting me to enter. Be sure I obeyed him gladly, and, stepping inside, rested my hand for a moment against the jamb of a door that stood open to the right.

Blackmore being despised as a poet, was in time neglected as a physician; his practice, which was once invidiously great, forsook him in the latter part of his life, but being by nature, or by principle, averse from idleness, he employed his unwelcome leisure in writing books on physic, and teaching others to cure those whom he could himself cure no longer.

The ordinary child does not need Oft-repeated doses; a firm hand and a vigorous application go a long way, in most cases. Half-hearted, milk-and-water castigation, like physic, should be thrown to the dogs. Long threatenings spoil the operation; they betray weakness which the child is the first to discover.

I shall go to the chemist's and get you some physic. 'I object, continued Thomas, quietly possessing himself of his friend's hat, which stood on a table near him, 'I object, first, to the personal appearance of the horse. I protest against the conventional idea of beauty, as attached to that animal.

Women who choose to do so can master the humanities and the mathematics, encounter the labor of the law and the pulpit, endure the hardness of physic and the conflicts of politics; but they must do it all in woman's way, not in man's way. In all their work they must respect their own organization, and remain women, not strive to be men, or they will ignominiously fail.

"Why, I just pass on to some other camp. The boys are pretty widely scattered in these forests. You'd never guess the distances I sometimes make. Even Labrador. But it doesn't much matter. I've a good smattering of physic, and the boys are always getting hurt one way and another. I'd hate to feel I couldn't go to them wherever they are. Maybe if I built a better house I'd not want to leave it.

The horse should be kept on low diet, and not over heated or worked too hard. Scalded shorts or oats are good. Bleed and physic, then take sulphur, 1/2 lb.; and lard, 2 lbs.; mix well; grease the part affected every three or four days; stand the horse in the sun until it dries in; give him a few doses of the cleansing powder.

Another reason is, that as very green wood doth put out the fire, so much meat chokes the natural heat and puts it out; and therefore the best physic is to use temperance in eating and drinking.