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Drachmas Athens, with a population of 22,309 collects 159,000 Piraeus, ... 2,099 ... 27,300 Kekropia, ... 2,158 ... 3,759 Marathon, ... 1,214 ... 1,708 Phyle, ... 2,659 ... 7,000 Laurion, ... 1,470 ... 2,356 Kalamos, ... 2,000 ... 2,747 33,909 ... 203,870

Thrasybulus, a patriot, collected the democratic fugitives at Phyle, defeated the Thirty, and seized the Piraeus. Critias was slain. Ten oligarchs of a more moderate temper were installed in power. In co-operation with the Spartan king, Pausanias, the two parties at Athens were reconciled. PHILOSOPHY: SOCRATES. At the head of the Greek philosophers is the illustrious name of Socrates.

Disturbances commencing again about these things, and, first of all, the Athenians from Phyle setting upon their thirty rulers and overpowering them, Lysander, coming home in haste, persuaded the Lacedaemonians to support the oligarchies and to put down the popular governments, and to the thirty in Athens, first of all, they sent a hundred talents for the war, and Lysander himself, as general, to assist them.

My father sent me before the disaster on the Hellespont, to live at the court of Salyrus, king of Bosphorus, and I was not at home, either while the walls were being taken down, or the constitution was undergoing change, but returned five days before the party of Phyle occupied the Piraeus. 5.

I've had hard work to find him; but," with a grin, "I never expected to find him in a place like this." Ogla-Moga had fallen asleep then and there! The harsh music of his snore filled the room. To several persons present it had a familiar sound. Professor Phyle, who had stuck his head out of the curtains, drew it in again suddenly, like the timid turtle.

From Livadia the travellers proceeded to Thebes, visited the cave of Trophonius, Diana's fountain, the so-called ruins of Pindar's house, and the field of Cheronea, crossed Cithaeron, and on Christmas, 1809, arrived before the defile, near the ruins of Phyle, where, he had his first glimpse of Athens, which evoked the famous lines:

For while you were in exile you took Phyle and cut the trees and 'made assaults upon the walls, and though so doing left no reproach for your descendants, but gained honor from all men, as if those were on a par who in exile joined with the enemy against the country, and those who established themselves when the Spartans were in possession of the city. 34.

There is a charm to me which no other spot can supply, in the porticoes hallowed still by holy and venerable shades. In the olive-groves of Ilyssus I still hear the voice of poetry on the heights of Phyle, the clouds of twilight seem yet the shrouds of departed freedom the heralds the heralds of the morrow that shall come!

I am of the bright land of thy fathers I have trod the heights of Phyle I have gathered the hyacinth and rose amidst the olive-groves of Ilyssus. Thou shouldst not desert me, for thy fathers were brothers to my own. And they say this land is lovely, and these climes serene, but I will bear thee with me Ho! dark form, why risest thou like a cloud between me and mine?

There was Professor Phyle, the celebrated phrenologist a tall man, with a gaunt face and long gray hair. He had been a lion once, but was now out of date. There were also present Mrs.