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The note was from Joe, and laconic: "They phoned me this evening your Aunt Susie had had another stroke. They said you had better come." That was all it said. There was no expression of regret. There was no offer of help. She had a sudden rush of anxiety. But behind the anxious feeling was one of wonder and a tiny one of hurt.

His dark eyes shot a swift glance into the face of the man he had for years desired to come into closer contact with. It was hardly a friendly look. It was questioning, too. "They'll be around right away. I 'phoned 'em." Kars nodded. "Good." Bill looked up. "Out. Right out. Both of them. Guess we best wait for the police." "Can't they be removed?" Pap's eyes were on the doctor.

It's some band, though one of these fifteen-piece dance-hall combinations that had just closed a Coney Island engagement and was guaranteed to tear off this affair in zippy style. I left word what station they was to get off at, and 'phoned for a couple of jitneys to meet 'em. For the rest, I was bankin' on my luck.

Instead, he stared up at the ceiling and puffed cigarette after cigarette until morning flooded the room... At eight o'clock he phoned down to have his breakfast sent up. Toward noon Watson came in. "I saw Brauer yesterday and again this morning... What did you do to make him so sore?" Fred shrugged.

But the war in Mexico made this impossible once across the border he couldn't get back. He wrote me, but evidently the letter miscarried." "And Beaton missed him entirely." "By pure luck. Fred phoned the New York Central for a lower to Chicago, and they were all gone. Enright must have learned, in some way, of his calling that office, and so informed Beaton, who took that train.

But he had been late coming from the office and by the time he had finished his dinner the children were put to bed, as this was the maid's evening out. Mrs. Garton was attending a church "affair" and would not be home until ten, so she had phoned. Garton was glad to be alone as it afforded him a quiet time for thought.

Their only interest in me was that I could carry elections. With you, it has been different. I don't know why you stuck to me. Why did you, Jessie?" Without replying, she hastily left the room and phoned for the doctor. The papers that night reported the ex-Premier's condition as "causing grave apprehension to his friends." When Pearl read it in the evening papers, she made a quick resolve.

"So when he was passing through Paris the other day he 'phoned me to the effect of come and crack a bottle with me, come and let's reminisce together over the good old days. I went; and he gave me the juicy little piece of news you saw in yesterday's rag. We saved up some of it for to-day have you seen?

Seems that when he went into his library after eating breakfast he found the safe open and everything gone. It was an 'inside job' the Chief said, because nobody had busted the safe." "Then the Chief was there, was he?" questioned the patrol leader. "Sure he was; Mr. Condit had 'phoned to him. There were a dozen neighbors in the house, too, and more acomin' right along. Biggest kind of excitement.

He got away with it, all right, and they let go him to-day; but he phoned a little while ago that they were still stickin' around kind of close to him, and that I was to pass the word that the lid was to go down tight for the next few days, and " Shluker stopped abruptly as the telephone rang, and reached for the instrument.