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I. X. Phoenicians in Italy The Phoenician name was Karthada; the Greek, Karchedon; the Roman, Cartago. Compare Movers, Phon. ii. x, 174. Law and Justice Modern Character of Italian Culture History, as such, cannot reproduce the life of a people in the infinite variety of its details; it must be content with exhibiting the development of that life as a whole.

"You'll have a bath, a shave, four hot towels, and a big bromo-seltzer all in the morning, and you'll go into the State Convention and stick by the party, just as you always have done. But as for to-night why, Phon, I wouldn't be surprised to see you pledge yourself to Arba Spinney." He gayly shoved the man to one side and went on.

"Thelismer," he said, familiarly, "I've been trying to get something out of Luke. He won't say. Now what do you know about it? Is the party going to be honest? Are we going to get that resubmission plank in the platform this year?" "They haven't asked me to write the platform, Phon." "I tell you, the people want a chance to vote on this prohibitory question.

By Judas, I'm honest in my business; now I want to have a chance to be honest in my politics!" The Duke gazed down on him good-humoredly. He was accustomed to overlook the little delinquencies of his fellows on such festal occasions as State Conventions. "You're asking too much out of party politics, Phon," he declared.

I. X. Phoenicians in Italy The Phoenician name was Karthada; the Greek, Karchedon; the Roman, Cartago. Compare Movers, Phon. ii. x, 174. Law and Justice Modern Character of Italian Culture History, as such, cannot reproduce the life of a people in the infinite variety of its details; it must be content with exhibiting the development of that life as a whole.

"Well, Phon, when you vote as you drink voting the Democratic ticket you'll vote for a popocratic tax on corporations that will make your woollen-mill look sick. And that's only one thing!" "I know what I will do," insisted the rebel. The Duke took him by his two shoulders. "So do I," he returned.