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The suspense grew to be so intolerable that after dark he went up the High Street. He could not resist calling at Joanna's to learn his fate. Her mother said her daughter was too unwell to see him, and to his questioning admitted that it was in consequence of a letter received from himself; which had distressed her deeply. 'You know what it was about, perhaps, Mrs. Phippard? he said. Mrs.

Captain Jolliffe regarded the loose curls of their hair, their backs and shoulders, down to their heels, for some time. 'Who may them two maids be? he whispered to his neighbour. 'The little one is Emily Hanning; the tall one Joanna Phippard. 'Ah! I recollect 'em now, to be sure. He advanced to their elbow, and genially stole a gaze at them.

One moonlight evening in the next month Shadrach was ascending out of the town by the long straight road eastward, to an elevated suburb where the more fashionable houses stood if anything near this ancient port could be called fashionable when he saw a figure before him whom, from her manner of glancing back, he took to be Emily. But, on coming up, he found she was Joanna Phippard.

From that week onwards, Jolliffe was seen more and more in the wake of Joanna Phippard and less in the company of Emily; and it was soon rumoured about the quay that old Jolliffe's son, who had come home from sea, was going to be married to the former young woman, to the great disappointment of the latter.

Phippard owned that she did, adding that it put them in a very painful position. Thereupon Shadrach, fearing that he had been guilty of an enormity, explained that if his letter had pained Joanna it must be owing to a misunderstanding, since he had thought it would be a relief to her.