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I had neither the time nor the desire to philosophize on this national fever, which animated all my associates: animated, I might say, the nation, which was beginning to get into a fever about games.

"But, all the same, 'twas lovely to 'philosophize! It mattered not if she were wise, or otherwise; Or deeply versed in themes on which the Sages dote, Could she but keep on transcendental waves afloat. "And so, at length, the Summer School drew to a close. "Howe'er, dear friends, Miss Puff's career was very brief.

They give the name and appearance of good to virtue, saying that it alone is desirable, profitable, and available; but in the meantime they act these things, they philosophize, they live and die, as at the command of things indifferent. And yet none of the Ethiopians kill that dog; but he sits in state, and is revered by all.

The poet, I suppose, must be a seer as long as he is a worker, and a seer only. He has no time to philosophize to "think about thinking," as Goethe, I have somewhere read, says that he never could do.

"Look here, March," said Fulkerson, with the effect of taking a fresh hold; "I wish you could let me have one of those New York things of yours for the first number. After all, that's going to be the great card." "I couldn't, Fulkerson; I couldn't, really. I want to philosophize the material, and I'm too new to it all yet. I don't want to do merely superficial sketches." "Of course! Of course!

For see what these men persuade us who philosophize against the conceptions, that by folly indeed we comprehend prudence, but prudence without folly cannot so much as comprehend folly itself.

Being a woman not disinclined to philosophize she sometimes sat down under her umbrella to rest and to watch their happiness, for a certain hopefulness as to the result of her visit gave ease to her mind, and between important thoughts left it free to dwell on any infinitesimal matter which caught her eyes. Mrs.

"My daughter is Spanish too." "She is a perfect Spanish type." "Really?" asked the daughter referred to. "Thoroughly." "Then I am happy." In the evening, after dinner, Caesar again joined Mme. Dawson and began to talk with her. The Frenchwoman had a tendency to philosophize, to criticize, and to find out everything.

"They are both one and the same thing," she answered; "or rather, the one leads to the other. But do not let us begin to philosophize. Put on your things and come. The carriage is waiting." I readily obeyed her, and we enjoyed an exhilarating drive together.

Henceforth its function is not to thrust itself into the vitals of men, but to encourage combustion on winter nights. The bayonet-poker fits into the philosophy of Christmas, at least into the way I find it easy to philosophize.