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That permission may be given to the Augustinian Recollects to go to establish themselves in the Philippinas."

These Portuguese declared "that if their King Don Antonio, would come vnto them, they would warrant him to haue all the Malucos at commandment, besides China, Sangles, and the Isles of the Philippinas, and that he might be assured to have all the Indians on his side that are in the countrey." The sixteenth of May the Cape of Good Hope was sighted.

From the Cape of California, being the vthermost part of all Nueua Espanna, I nauigated to the Islands of the Philippinas, hard vpon the Coast of China; of which Countrey I haue brought such intelligence as hath not been heard of in these parts. The voyages of the Dutch into the East Indies had important results for both Spain and Portugal.

Augustine in the Philippinas, I cannot satisfy my conscience or manifest the zeal which I ought to possess, without giving personal notice to your Majesty of certain things with which as associate of the late provincial and as secretary of the province I became acquainted, and which still continue to exist, to the great harm and diminution of the province.

This request having been examined in the Council, it has appeared desirable that as this concerns the mendicant orders, so highly esteemed, pious and strict in religious observance, and as they can accomplish much good in those regions by their teaching, preaching, and example your Majesty, if such be your will, might give them permission to go to establish themselves in the Philippinas Islands, where there is most need of ministers of the gospel; and these religious are fitted for so new a country by the poverty and strictness which they profess.

A letter from the commander contains the following: "The matter of most profit vnto me, was a great ship of the Kings vvhich I tooke at California, vvhich ship came from the Philippinas, beeing one of the richest of merchandize that euer passed those Seas, as the Kings Register and marchants accounts did shew: for it did amount in value to * in Mexico to be sold.

On July 9, near the coast of New Spain, a ship of one hundred and twenty tons was taken, from one of the crew of which, Michael Sancius from Marseilles, they first heard of "the great shippe called The Santa Anna, vvhich vve aftervvard tooke comming from the Philippinas."

Augustine desire to be established in the Indias, and have entreated your Majesty to order that permission be given therefor, and that several religious may go for that purpose, and to preach the gospel, to Nueva España, the Philippinas Islands, and China.

Desto de la China ay dos relaciones, y es, que a los dezisiete de Nouiembre del año de mil y quinietos y sessenta y quatro, por mandado de su Mage. se hizo vna armada en el puerto de la Natiuidad e la mar del Sur, cient leguas de Mexico, de dos naues, y dos pataysos, para descubrir las yslas dela especieria, que las llaman Philippinas, por nuestro Rey, costaron mas de seyscientos mil pesos de Atipusque hechas a la vela.

January 14, they reached the Philippines at Cabo del Santo Espiritu, "which is of very great bignesse and length .... and it is short of the chiefest Island of the Philippinas called Manilla, about sixtie leagues.