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So you think you're quietly going to do me out of my individuality with all this fine talk. But I'm up to your tricks. I tell you I won't exist unless I can have my individuality. I'm not going to be put off with 'mysterious powers, and what you call 'phenomena. I can't do without my individuality, and I won't give it up. Philalethes.

The central facts which are sought to be established by means of these papers have been mentioned already in my eighth chapter, namely, that Miss Vaughan is one of the two last descendants of the alchemist Thomas Vaughan; that this personage made a compact with Satan in the year 1645, that under the name of Eirenæus Philalethes, he wrote the well-known alchemical work entitled "An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King," and that he consummated a mystical marriage with Venus-Astarte, of which the Palladian Templar-Mistress is the last development.

Thrasymachos. The mighty Schleiermacher, for instance, and that gigantic intellect, Hegel; and at this time of day we've abandoned that nonsense. I should rather say we're so far beyond it that we can't put up with it any more. What's the use of it then? What does it all mean? Philalethes.

Suppose I guarantee that after death you shall remain an individual, but only on condition that you first spend three months of complete unconsciousness. Thrasymachos. I shall have no objection to that. Philalethes. But remember, if people are completely unconscious, they take no account of time.

It takes the place of that pure philosophical truth which is infinitely difficult and perhaps never attainable. Philalethes. Ah! just as a wooden leg takes the place of a natural one; it supplies what is lacking, barely does duty for it, claims to be regarded as a natural leg, and is more or less artfully put together.

"The only thing that distinguishes one metal from another," writes an alchemist who went under the name of Philalethes, "is its degree of maturity, which is, of course, greatest in the most precious metals; the difference between gold and lead is not one of substance, but of digestion; in the baser metal the coction has not been such as to purge out its metallic impurities.

The arrangement was founded on a correct estimate of the intellectual inequality of mankind. Demopheles. To some extent the education in our lower, middle and high schools corresponds to the varying grades of initiation into the mysteries. Philalethes. In a very approximate way; and then only in so far as subjects of higher knowledge are written about exclusively in Latin.

My essays were buried among the essays upon liberty, eastern tales, and cures for the bite of a mad dog; while Philautos, Philalethes, Philelutheros, and Philanthropos, all wrote better, because they wrote faster, than I. 'Now, therefore, I began to associate with none but disappointed authors, like myself, who praised, deplored, and despised each other.

Maurice here came down with his mother, and as soon as there was a moment's pause, laid hold of the first book he met with, and began: 'I do not see the justness of the analogy to which Onuphrio refers, but there are many parts of that vision on which I should wish to hear the explanations of Philalethes. All broke out in amazement, 'Why, Maurice, has Mrs. Dusautoy been making a scholar of you?

To me it is the most important thing in the world. For God is God and I am I. I want to exist, I, I. That's the main thing. I don't care about an existence which has to be proved to be mine, before I can believe it. Philalethes. Think what you're doing! When you say I, I, I want to exist, it is not you alone that says this.