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Arrangements had been made to have all the members sit with him in turn, but it was soon decided that continuity of observation was valuable, and certain members were appointed to do the whole work. PHILADA., February 7th, 1885. A formal session of the Seybert Committee was held to-day at 8 o'clock P.M., at the residence of Mr. Furness, No. 222 West Washington Square.

The following letter, of which a fac-simile is given at the beginning of vol. iii. of Dr. Franklin's Memoirs, ed. 1818, tells of 'a difference' between the famous printer of Philadelphia and the King's Printer of London. 'Philada., July 5, 1775. 'Mr. Strahan, 'You are a Member of Parliament, and one of that Majority which has doomed my Country to Destruction.

PHILADA., November 6th, 1884. The Committee reconvened this day, at 8 o'clock P.M., at the residence of Mr. H.H. Furness, when the investigation of the Spirit Rappings, in the presence of Mrs. Margaret Fox Kane as Medium, was resumed. The persons present were the following: Of the Committee Dr. Leidy, Mr. Furness, Dr. Koenig, Mr. Fullerton, Mr.