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With respect to that young gentleman's fate and that of Teddy Phats, we have to record a rather remarkable coincidence. In about three years after his escape, his father received an account of his death from Montreal, where it appears he expired under circumstances of great wretchedness and destitution, after having led, during his residence there, a most profligate and disgraceful life.

We may as well let our readers know, before we proceed farther, that in the opinion of many, Teddy Phats understood and could speak English as well as any man of his station in the country. In fairs or markets, or other public places, he spoke, it is true, nothing but Irish unless in a private way, and only to persons in whom he thought he could place every confidence.

The hint was immediately taken with respect to them and Vincent, all of whom had been engaged in coming under Hycy's auspices they were apprehended and imprisoned, the chief evidence against them being Teddy Phats, Peety Dhu, and Finigan, who for once became a stag, as he called it.

"May be not," said Phats; "Hycy will take care o' that; he has him set; he'll work him a charm; he'll take care that Bryan won't be long in a fit way to offer himself as a match for her." "More power to him in that," said Philip; "if he makes a beggarman of him he may depend on us to the back-bone." "Have no hand in injurin' Bryan M'Mahon," said Kate.

This satisfied him; and after once more exacting from Finigan a pledge of what he termed honorable confidence, he took his departure. This communication determined Hycy to forego his intention for the present, and he consequently allowed the summer and autumn to pass without keeping up much intercourse with either Teddy Phats or the Hogans.

"Shiss," replied Hycy, mimicking him, "her does." "But you must have de still-house nowhere but in Ahadarra for alls dat." "For alls dats" replied the other. "Dat will do den," said Phats, composedly. "Enough of this," said Hycy. "Now, Phats, have you examined and pitched upon the place?"

"All," replied Philip; "sich a Still, Head, and Worm, you'd not find in Europe ready to be set to work at a minute's notice." "When," said Hycy, rising, "will it be necessary that I should see you again?" "We'll let you know," replied Phats, "when we want you. Kate here can drop in, as if by accident, an' give the hand word."

We stated at the time that Hycy Burke and the Hogans, together with a strange man and woman, were embarked in some mysterious proceedings from which both Kate Hogan and Teddy Phats had been excluded. For some time, both before and after that night, there had been, on the other hand, a good, deal of mysterious communication between several of our other characters.

Hycy Burke that gave the Hogans the money to make the Still, set it up and to Teddy Phats to buy barley; and although he didn't tell them it was to ruin Bryan M'Mahon he did it, sure they all knew it was 'spishly when he made them change from Glendearg above, where they were far safer, down to Ahadarra."