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"Orpheline, c'est la le nom dont tu t'appelles, Oiseau ne dans un nid que la foudre a brise; De la couvee, helas! seuls, trois petits, sans ailes Furent lances au vent, loin du reste ecrase. "Et, semes par l'eclair sur les monts, dans les plaines, Un meme toit encor n'a pu les abriter, Et du foyer natal, malgre leurs plaintes vaines Dieu, peut-etre longtemps, voudra les ecarter.

Dieu a mis dans sa bouche des mots terribles. Dans le palais, comme dans le desert, Dieu est toujours avec lui . . . Au moins, c'est possible. On ne sait pas, mais il est possible que Dieu soit pour lui et avec lui. Aussi peut-etre que s'il mourrait, il m'arriverait un malheur. Enfin, il a dit que le jour ou il mourrait il arriverait un malheur a quelqu'un. Ce ne peut etre qu'a moi.

"Il faut remarquer ici une chose qu'on aura peut-être de la peine

Et quelle statue par exemple?" she trilled, with ironic eyebrows, "la statue de votre Kaisere Wilhelm der Grosse peut-etre?" The Martins' guffaws led the laughter. "Mademoisellekin with her hair done like the Kaiser Wilhelm," pealed Jimmie. Only Clara remained grave in wrath. "Einfach," she quoted bitterly, "Simple says Lily, so simple!" "Simple simpler simplicissimusko!"

Je fus saisi d'un des plus vifs mouvements de joie que j'ai éprouvé en ma vie. Le lecteur pensera peut-être que je suis cruel, mais tel j'étais

PERSONS. A stoist motherly MADAME, a wrinkled fatherly MONSIEUR, and a plain but pleasant MA'MSELLE. Some English soldiers drinking. CECIL is talking in French to MONSIEUR, and they are all very friendly. MADAME. Alors, vous n'avez pas encore été aux tranchées? CECIL. Mais non, Madame, peut-être ce soir. CECIL. À Jeudi, Monsieur, Madame, Ma'mselle. À Jeudi, Monsieur. Bon courage, Monsieur!

In connection with this topic, the following anecdote was related by Mr. Adams: "As I was walking, this morning (in May, 1811), I was met by the emperor, who was also walking. As he approached he said, 'Monsieur Adams, il y a cent ans que je ne vous ai vu, and took me cordially by the hand. After some common observations, he asked me whether I intended to take a house in the country this summer. I said 'No; that I had for some time that intention, but I had given it up, 'And why? said he. I was hesitating upon an answer, when he relieved me from my embarrassment by saying, 'Peut-être sont-ce des considerations de finance. As he said it in perfect good humor, and with a smile, I replied, in the same manner, 'Mais, Sire, elles y sont pour une bonne partie. 'Fort bien, said he, 'vous avez raison. Il faut toujours proportionner la depense

"Halloo! halloo!" shouted his attendant, "help! help!" and he got at both bells and rang away with might and main; but before any one came the banker was out of bed, struck his attendant a blow in the eye, which made him see one hundred and forty-six suns, and laid him upon the floor, after which he commenced waltzing en chemise in his delirium, all round the room with a chair, dragging after him the unfortunate hero of the pestle and mortar, and roaring at the top of his voice these lines of Racine: Peut-être on t'a conté la fameuse disgrâce De l'altière Vasthi dont j'occupe la place, Lorsque le Roi, centre elle enflammé de dépit,

When the superb mausoleum was built for Lully by his widow, some unknown poet, who hated him for his moeurs infames, scrawled on his tomb these terrific lines: "Pourquoi, par un faste nouveau, Nous rappeler la scandaleuse histoire D'un libertin, indigne de memoire, Peut-être même indigne du tombeau."

You will hear of Auguste de St. Gre at Versailles, at Trianon, at Chantilly, and peut-etre " "It is a worthy campaign, Monsieur," I interrupted. A distant sound broke the stillness, and Auguste was near to dropping the candle on me. "Adieu, Monsieur," he whispered; "milles tonneres, I have done one extraordinaire foolish thing when I am come to this house to-night."