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Yet we who have never been tried, should perhaps be cautious in our censures. It is possible to hold an opinion quite honestly, and yet to hesitate about dying for it. We consider ourselves, at the present day, persuaded honestly of many things; yet which of them should we refuse to relinquish if the scaffold were the alternative or at least seem to relinquish, under silent protest?

Evidence was given that one of the bewitched persons persuaded a man to strike at the spot where the "shape of this Bishop stood," and the bewitched cried out: "You have tore her coat," and it was found that the woman's dress was torn in the very place. Deliverance Hobbs, who had confessed to being a witch, now testified that she was tormented by the spectres for her confession.

"But, Carleton!" cried Rossitur impatiently, "you can't ride so! you'll find it deucedly inconvenient." "Possibly," said Mr. Carleton. "Fleda would be a great deal better off in the stage-coach." "Have you studied medicine, Mr. Rossitur?" said the young man. "Because I am persuaded of the contrary." "I don't believe your horse will like it," said Thorn.

They show the kind of trade the Science is driving. Now we come back to the question, Does the Science kill a patient here and there and now and then? We must concede it. Does it compensate for this? I am persuaded that it can make a plausible showing in that direction.

Nobody can help him; that has been tried a thousand times; he was not abandoned by all without good cause, I know. 'Cannot she be persuaded to Nicholas hesitated when he had got thus far. 'To leave him? said brother Charles. 'Who could entreat a child to desert her parent?

They can never have persuaded themselves that they ought to do what is against their conscience, and also the source of misery and ruin for themselves, and all their class, who make up nine- tenths of the population. "How can you kill people, when it is written in God's commandment: 'Thou shalt not kill'?" I have often inquired of different soldiers.

From what Captain Denham had said before he took his departure, she was fully persuaded he would soon return; and it must be confessed, she longed to ask him many questions. There were various doubts passing through her mind which she was anxious to have solved. She scarcely, however, would trust herself to speak of them even to Sophy. She was soon to have her mind occupied with other cares.

The good housekeeper noticed with great uneasiness that her niece looked excessively pale and agitated, and she would have persuaded her to abandon all idea of flight, if she had not feared that her stay might be attended with still worse consequences. Before the party set out, Mrs.

The laugh which followed them was more bitter, more wretched than the words. She had persuaded herself the more easily that she was entitled to work out her life in her own way because she had assumed Wayne would be there to stand guard over the things left from other days. He was to stay there, fixed, leaving her free to go.

Him we persuaded to come to our relief; he privately provided what was needful for our flight, and one day we slipped out of Albany, without a word to our former friend, and embarked, a little above, in a canoe. To the toils and perils of this journey, it would require a pen more elegant than mine to do full justice.