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Radames returns in triumph from the wars, bringing with him a chain of prisoners, among whom is Amonasro. The latter soon finds out Aida's influence over Radames, and half terrifies, half persuades her into promising to extract from her lover the secret of the route which the Egyptian army will take on the morrow on their way to a new campaign against the Ethiopians.

It's laid in Italy...time of Pius the something. He comes in say, but he's great! so darned crafty. It's him, you know, that persuades this Franciscan..." "Pause," I said, "what Franciscan?" "Fra Fraliccolo, of course," Sinclair said snappishly. "You see, Pio tries to..." "Whoa!" I said, "who is Pio?" "Oh, hang it all, Pio is Italian, it's short for Pius.

And further, a notionist, though he fall from his former strictness and seeming holiness, and appear more loose, and vain in his practices, yet speaks as confidently of himself, as to assurance of salvation, the love of God, and union with God, as ever. But now to return, and declare some of those lies which the devil persuades some of these men to believe.

But all this theory, absurd and ignorant as it is, is really nothing to the practice of which it effects to be the defence. Hear the warblings of Mr. Hunt's nightingales. A horseman is described The patting hand, that best persuades the check, And makes the quarrel up with a proud neck, The thigh broad pressed, the spanning palm upon it, And the jerked feather swaling in the bonnet. p. 15.

As an example of this division of the oration into parts he quotes a long poem which persuades its reader to take up the cross. Still under the general head of arrangement John explains the ten ways of amplifying material. The tenth, "interpretacio," he illustrates by telling a joke, and then amplifying it into a little comedy.

The most elementary use of the human reason persuades us that the matter is not susceptible of positive proof. The criterion of certitude in any matter of perception is an inner sense in the perceiver that the thing he perceives is external to himself. He is the only witness; no one can corroborate or dispute him.

He consumes an eternal passion, and is indifferent which chance happens, and which possible contingency of fortune or misfortune, and persuades daily and hourly his delicious pay. What balks or breaks others is fuel for his burning progress to contact and amorous joy. Other proportions of the reception of pleasure dwindle to nothing to his proportions.

Themistocles persuades the Athenians to leave off dividing the proceeds of their silver mines among themselves, and to employ the money in strengthening their navy. Egypt revolts from the Persians, and delays the expedition against Greece. Darius dies, and Xerxes his son becomes King of Persia in his stead. 484 The Persians recover Egypt. 480 Xerxes invades Greece.

A Jew Named Mardocheus Becomes My Travelling Companion He Persuades Me to Lodge in His House I Fall in Love With His Daughter Leah After a Stay of Six Weeks I Go to Trieste Some time elapsed before I had time to examine the Marquis of Mosca's collection of Latin poets, amongst which the 'Priapeia' found no place.

But where the public knows what it likes, and the artist makes what he likes, there is more than a chance that both will like the same thing, as they have in the great ages of art. For a real liking must be a liking for something good. It is Satan who persuades us that we like what is bad by filling our mind with sham likings, which are always really the expression of our egotism disguised.