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The interior Perp. throughout, with the exception of an E.E. east window is lofty, but not particularly impressive, and has an unusually high chancel. The fragments of an elaborately carved reredos which the building once possessed are now in Taunton Museum.

The tower, the internal arch of which is peculiar, has been reconstructed in Perp. times. The sanctuary contains a trefoiled piscina and an aumbry. Inside the church doorway is a bench bearing date 1623; it was originally the parish bier. Seavington St Michael, a parish 4 m. E. of Ilminster. The church is small, without tower or aisles. Outside, exposed to the weather, is the effigy of a woman.

Perp. building, and contains some ancient benches, old glass in one of the N. windows, a slender Perp. screen, a pulpit dated 1625, piscina. The shaft of a cross with a modern head stands in the churchyard. Aller, a village 2-1/2 m. N.W. from Langport, lying at the base of High Ham Hill. Aller witnessed the sequel to two stirring events.

The low embattled tower has a very wide staircase-turret. The S. door is Norm., with the zigzag moulding on the jambs and arch, and a carved tympanum. Chipstable, a picturesquely situated village, 3 m. W. from Wiveliscombe. The church is of ancient origin, but it is difficult to say how much of the original fabric survives. The Perp.

It is regarded as early Perp., and assigned to about 1380. There is a very fine rood-loft with fan-tracery both in front and rear: the present colours are believed to reproduce the original; curiously, the choir seats are outside the screen. Originally there was only a N. aisle, and the tower buttresses can still be seen within the S. aisle.

It retains a square Norm, font, a piscina, and a Jacobean pulpit. Outside is the shaft of an old cross. Binegar, a small village on the top of the E. Mendips, with a station on the S. & D. The church, rebuilt 1859, has a plain Perp. tower with a representation of the Trinity on one of its battlements. W. from Taunton. The church is a ludicrous example of Philistinism.

Somewhere, however, in the neighbourhood once existed the old Roman seaport of Axium, where the lead dug from the Mendips was shipped for export. The church is early Victorian Gothic, with a new chancel. The old ruined church on the hill is a conspicuous landmark from Weston. It is a Norm. building, altered in Perp. times, with a low central tower.

The visitor should now inspect the cloisters, and should observe in passing the fine external E.E. doorway ruthlessly obscured by the Perp. vaulting. The cloisters form a covered ambulatory leading from the S. transept to the S.W. corner of the nave.

The church is of considerable antiquarian interest. It consists of a Perp. nave, a central Norm. tower, and a Norm. chancel. A Perp. chapel, now occupied by the organ, adjoins the porch. Externally, note the fantastic corbel table round chancel. Within, it has two good pointed Norm. arches, and on the N. wall of tower a well-preserved Norm., arcade.

Though in the main Perp., it contains examples of earlier work. The S. doorway is Norm, or Trans. The Perp. W. tower, with triple belfry windows, has unusually short buttresses for a tower of its class. Brewham, South, a village 3 m. N.E. of Bruton.