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"I 'eard it from that French woman, Dinah Mer I never can pernounce the name," continued Mrs. Rickett. "Pore creature, what a 'orrible end; though it's a mercy it was so sudden like. But, as I was saying, sir, she lodged in my 'ouse last spring, and she come back only three days before the murder. She never 'ad much to say for 'erself, an' I judged she was stiff and proud.

And the gallant old fellow in command roared out as a man opened his mouth for "Twelve!": "I wouldn't bid ag'in a woman ef I'se you. Let 'er have 'em! Madam, Mum, or Miss I can't pernounce your name and don't rightly know how to spell it but the shovels are yourn!"

Thank you, thank you I will come back next month, and tell you everything I have learned from the Perru Sal of your books." "Perusal," said the pawnbroker "that's the way to pernounce it. Good-bye, my man, and next month."

She heard Lizzie talking. "Yes, that's Walter Damrosch! Ain't that name fierce? Grandma thinks it's kind of wicked to pernounce it that way. They say he's fine, but I must say I liked the band they had last year better. It played a whole lot of lively things, and once they had a rattle-box and a squeaking thing that cried like a baby right out in the music, and everybody just roared laughing.

"Waal, Purdee, ef ye hedn't axed me, I warn't layin' off ter say nuthin 'bout'n it. 'Tain't no con-sarn o' mine ez I knows on. But sence ye hev axed me, I hold my jaw fur the fear o' no man. The words ain't writ ez I be feared ter pernounce. An' ez all the kentry hev hearn 'bout'n it 'ceptin' you-uns, I dunno ez I hev enny call ter hold my jaw.

"What's the name of it?" inquired Button-Bright while the sailor hesitated to decide. "Oh, it's got an awful hard name to pernounce," replied the girl, "so Cap'n Bill and I jus' call it 'Sky Island' 'cause it looks as if it was half in the sky. We've been told it's a very pretty island, and a few people live there and keep cows and goats and fish for a living.

But the post office agreed to put it back into the name, and a big signboard was painted and set up at the dock. "It sartain sure looks a hull lot diff'rent, even if ye do pernounce it the same," admitted Walky Dexter. So much was happening these balmy June days! The school year the first in the new schoolhouse was going to end in a blaze of glory for Nelson Haley, Janice was sure.

I'se gwine to clasp in de th'oes of matermony dis heah couple, but 'foh I does we'll pernounce grace, takin' our tex' from dat po'tion of de Scripture whar Liza rid out de doh in a charity of fyah! Light de candles, bruddern! So dey all struck matches, jest lak one man, an' lit dem candles! "Lawd help us!" Aunt Timmie threw her apron over her face.

But there mightn't always be a Injun hidin' to shoot her when she gits dressed up agin an' the minister is a-waitin' to pernounce 'em man an' wife. Then whar air ye?" He went on more kindly after a time, as he reached out a hard, sinewy hand. "Such as her is fer the young man that has a white man's full life to give her. She's purty as a doe fawn an' kind as a thoroughbred filly.

"The learned scientists named ev'ry blamed thing they come across, an' gener'ly they picked out names as nobody could understand or pernounce." "That isn't our fault, sir," said the Octopus. "Indeed, it's pretty hard for us to go through life with such terrible names. Think of the poor little seahorse.