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Manlius, I have ascertained, was the only clergyman present." "Was that so?" asked the deacon of an individual who was at Mr. Reeside's. "Mr. Manlius was the only clergyman there," was replied. "Then," said Perkins, "if there was a drunken minister there, it must have been Mr. Manlius. I can draw no other inference." "Can Mr. Burton be found?" was now asked.

And such fortune attended Sir Arthur Pembroke that forsooth he went over the side of the Polly Perkins, even as the gray dawn began to break over the narrow Thames, and even as the anchor-song of the crew struck up. A few hours later a coppery sun slowly dispersed the morning mists above the Thames.

"There's nothin' loike polithical exersoize to take off th' flesh, parthicularly when ye miss ut." "I fancy you are right," said Perkins. "I never met Mr. Perkins that is, face to face myself. Do you know him?" The Irishman threw his head back and laughed. "Well," he said, "oi'm not wan uv his pershonal fri'nds.

From one to another, Dardus looked, then demanded in a terrified voice: "What what do you want?" "We want justice for Bob Chester," said Mr. Perkins. "We want you to give him every cent you have in bank except the five hundred dollars you had when Horace Chester died. We want you to sign this paper admitting that you forged the will bequeathing you the ranch in Red Top.

Perkins engaged Mar Gabriel, a bishop, fair in form, but of a restless spirit, to reside with him as his teacher in Syriac; and the year did not close before this indefatigable missionary commenced reducing the modern Syriac to writing, with the aid of priest Abraham, who wrote a beautiful hand. His first translation was the Lord's Prayer.

Perkins had kindly supplied quite a stock of shirts for me, by means of operations performed upon old shirts of her husband's. My Sunday suit of clothes had occupied me greatly for some weeks. I had never before bought clothing of any kind. After two or three visits to the store, and many talks at mealtimes with Mrs. Gabbitas, I finally decided upon blue serge.

I then proceeded to a friend Kingsley the friend who had served me in the meeting with Perkins; a bold, dashing, frank fellow, who loved nothing better than a frolic which worried one of the parties; and who, I well knew, would relish nothing more than to baffle Perkins in a love affair, as we had already done in one of strife.

He would gladly have helped Mary, but around his fireside were six children dependent upon him for food, clothing, and education, and he could only wish his young friend success in whatever she undertook. When Widow Perkins heard that Mary was going away to school, she forgot to put any yeast in the bread which she was making, and bidding Sally Ann "watch it until it riz," she posted off to Mrs.

Now the commanding officer from the North having arrived, Perkins was transferred to the command of the ninety-day gunboat Sciota, the best command at that time, in the squadron, for an officer of his years, and assigned to duty on the blockade off the coast of Texas.

Perkins, who led the Mandolin Club, joshed him at dinner. "What's the matter, my boy; didn't you have a good time this afternoon?" "Of course he didn't," answered a guitar man. "You must have noticed his bored expression all through; that is, when you saw him at all." "That was merely the blasé look that comes with four months at the Youngest and Best," said "Cap." Smith.