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To me, had I lived there, the incipient growth of grass through some of the stones which formed the margin of the road would have been altogether unendurable. There is no sign of coming decay which is so melancholy to the eye as any which tells of a decrease in the throng of men. Of men or horses there was never any throng now in that end of Perivale.

'But he always writes when there is any business. He's a capital man of business. I wish I could say as much for his brother or for myself. 'Lady Aylmer seems to like work of that sort. 'So she does. She's fond of it I am not. I sometimes think that Fred takes after her. Where was it you first knew him? 'At Perivale. We used, both of us, to be staying with Mrs Winterfield.

Captain Aylmer breakfasted with her, and took her to the station, and saw her off with all possible courtesy and attention, and then he walked back by himself to his own great house in Perivale. Not a word more had been said between him and Clara as to their engagement, and he recognized it as a fact that he was no longer bound to her as her future husband.

At Perivale no doubt he was more strict in his conduct; but then at Perivale he had special interests and influences which were wanting to him at Aylmer Park. During those five minutes Lady Aylmer would deal round the letters to the several plates of the inmates of her house not without looking at the post-office marks upon them; and on this occasion she had dealt a letter from Clara to her son.

Then she declared to herself, not following the matter out logically, but urged to her decision by sudden impulse, that at any rate she would not obey Lady Aylmer. She would have nothing to do, in any such matter, with Lady Aylmer. Lady Aylmer should be no god to her. That question about the house at Perivale had been very painful to her.

With this lady in Perivale, which I maintain to be the dullest little town in England, Miss Amedroz was staying when the news reached her father, and when it was brought direct from London to herself. Instantly she had hurried home, taking the journey with all imaginable speed though her heart was all but broken within her bosom.

I know that it is not jealousy. 'Jealousy, Captain Aylmer! 'Jealousy with my aunt, I mean. 'No, indeed. 'You are infinitely too proud for that; but I am sure that a stranger seeing it would think that it was so. 'I don't know what it is that I do or that I ought not to do. But all my life everything that I have done at Perivale has always been wrong.

It had a long frontage to the street; for there was not only the house itself, with its three square windows on each side of the door, and its seven windows over that, and again its seven windows in the upper story but the end of the coach-house also abutted on the street, on which was the family clock, quite as much respected in Perivale as was the town-clock; and between the coach-house and the mansion there was the broad entrance into the yard, and the entrance also to the back door.

'You know I never have. 'I told you that he was at Perivale when Mrs Winterfield died. 'And now he has proposed, and you are going to accept him? That will indeed be important. Is it so? say. But don't I know it is so? Why don't you speak? 'If you know it, why need I speak? 'But it is so? Oh, Clara, I am so glad. I congratulate you with all my heart with all my heart.

She had told herself this, ever since that journey together from Perivale to Taunton; but never till now had she confessed to herself what was her own case. She made a comparison between the two men. Her cousin Will was, she thought, the more generous, the more energetic perhaps by nature, the man of the higher gifts. In person he was undoubtedly the superior.