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In periosteal tumours that do not ossify, there is merely erosion of bone, and the shadow is not unlike that given by caries; in ossifying tumours, the arrangement of the new bone on the surface is characteristic, and when it takes the form of spicules at right angles to the shaft, it is pathognomic.

While the occurrence of purely periosteal suppuration is regarded as possible, we are of opinion that the embolic form of staphylococcal osteomyelitis always originates in the marrow.

A central gumma in a long bone may not reveal its presence until it erupts through the shell and reaches the periosteal surface or invades an adjacent joint. Sometimes the first manifestation is a fracture of the bone produced by slight violence. In radiograms the appearance of syphilitic bones is usually characteristic.

I will prove this to be so, by an investigation of the dream material. This Dr. X., what of him and his handwriting?" The dreamer then explains that Dr. X. had consented to have his dreams analyzed, and that the outcome had been the uncovering of his secret intention to be married; the dreamer also states that Dr. X. had written some very original papers on periosteal reflexes. "Ah," says Dr.

The first change is due to the deposit of new bone on the periosteal surface; later, there is the shadow of the sequestrum. Healing does not take place until the sequestrum is extruded or removed by operation. In compound fractures, if a fragment dies and forms a sequestrum, it is apt to be walled in by new bone; the sinuses continue to discharge until the sequestrum is removed.

Trueheart reports a case of partial excision of the clavicle, successfully followed by the grafting of periosteal and osseous material taken from a dog. Robson and Hayes of Rochester, N.Y., have successfully supplemented excision of spina bifida by the transplantation of a strip of periosteum from a rabbit.